A Lioness and Her Pride

Start from the beginning

"Dad, this is not something that needs to be brought to light. Think if they aren't the only ones who experienced that then more will come. This will be a social rape if it gets any bigger. We need to dead this before the fire starts because it will burn us to the ground." Andre voiced, something like this equated to exploitation. He could feel the law suits digging at his wallet now.

"I'll talk to them." Lucious sighed.

"Absolutely not. We don't need that extreme. Let's do this the nice way." Anika spoke up.

"Nice? They're coming for blood. Which means we deliver the first blow." Lucious argued.

"If we can talk and negotiate there will be no blood." Anika pressed.

"And say what Anika? Hey please don't talk about Empire? Could you retract the interview please?" Lucious mocked, in a woman's voice. Cookie rubbed at her temples. A full fledged headache roaring in.

"How about I'm sorry? What are you gonna go do? You've divided them once, they won't fall for it again." Anika huffed.

"Its actually easy to turn them on one another. I doubt they've changed. So why don't you sit and be pretty and let me handle this."

"Was that before or after you fucked them?" She hissed, Lucious simply smirked as his response.

"Are you serious? You're smiling about it?!" Anika shrieked.

"Enough! You two please shut up!" Cookie snapped.

" Lucious handle Q-Baby. Anika can handle both." Cookie added, much to Lucious's displeasure.

"Cookie, you know how this goes." Lucious sighed.

"Look let her try. Someone who they don't have fire for needs to go. Take Becky with you Anika. Porsha find out where TBD is. I wanna hear everything. They bet not take a shit you don't know about." Cookie spoke, getting a text back from her son.

"Fine, but when I inevitably step in. Yall owe me." Lucious smirked, Andre grimaced checking the time on his watch.

"Whatever." Anika huffed, as Cookie pushed her chair out. Sliding on her shades the dimmed light helping to ease her headache just a bit.

"Get to work." She dismissed.

"I'm the CEO you know that right?" Lucious chuckled, as she walked behind him.

"Get to work." She repeated, slapping the back of his head as she did so. To be childish Anika stuck her tongue out at Lucious as she stood.

"Better put that back in your mouth. You'll need it later." Lucious smirked, reclining in his seat.

"On that note let me go find Hakeem." Andre spoke, placing Dwight in his stroller.

Exiting the room with Porsha, Anika instantly got to work on damage control. The only good route she could think to go on was resigning them. After digging through poorly run social media accounts, she found out just how down and out they were. She had a half a kind kind believe they put all their remaining money into the album. They were desperate for a break.

So how do you get your name spreading? Attach yourself to something already blowing up. There was no shortage of headlines for Empire. Besides the bad publicity circulating they also had more people invested in their social lives then anything else. Having two pregnant women on your arm? A guaranteed social bomb. When you don't do interviews or make statements about your life people are forced to create their own narratives. Anika read something about her carrying Cookie's baby because Cookie wanted twins.

"There they are......and damn this is sorry." Porsha spoke, as Anika and Becky stepped on to the escalator.

"They need better outfits..." Anika commented.

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