No Matter what.

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[2 month time skip]

[Sabrina POV]

I woke up during the middle of the day and when i got up i felt very heavy. I decided to go downstairs where everybody else was. I went into the kitchen to get a snack when i saw Dj in there, he was getting ready to cook dinner, he usually takes along time to make dinner because he wants to make sure it's perfect. "Hey hon," Dj said to me as i walked into the kitchen. "Hey" i responded. "How was your sleep, sleeping beauty?" He asked me as i grabbed something off the shelf. I smiled at him as he passed by and kissed my cheek. After i ate my snack i went upstairs into the bathroom to take a shower. When i was done i got out of the shower and got dressed in a white T-shirt and Jean shorts. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and then left the bathroom and went back to my bed. I waited for Dj to come upstairs for a couple hours.

[4 hours later]

After Dj finished making dinner he came upstairs and asked me if i wanted to order something to eat since he knew i was getting kind of picky. We were also trying to avoid going to the dinner table because we knew that Tanqr would say something that was fucked up. I told him that i wasn't really hungry so he just ordered something small from Starbucks. We went to bed at around 12 am because we we're editing a video. When we woke up it was very early, like around 5-6 am we laid in bed for a couple minutes when he touched my stomach and felt something. "I think one of the twins kicked!" He said to me. He looked really excited and smiled. I smiled at him while he was still touching my stomach. We then got up a couple minutes later and got dressed. I put on a short pastel yellow dress with pastel blue flowers on it. I tied the back of it into a small bow and then curled my hair. I put on sandals with a yellow crossed strap, and then some bracelets on my left wrist were i had scars. Dj put on a light-brown button-up shirt with a black hoodie and slightly baggy pants. We waited for Kreek and Kayla to be ready. When they were both done we went outside into the car. Dj was driving and Kreek was on the passenger side while me and Kayla were in the back. "So how's the baby situation going?" Kayla asked. "It's going well, one of them actually kicked this morning!" I replied. "Awww thats cute!" She answered. When we got to ihoopie for breakfast we got out of the car. Dj left his hoodie in the car because it was extremely hot outside. We went inside and sat down.

[Kreek POV]

We sat down and talked for a couple of minutes. I looked at the menu while talking and i decided on what i wanted to eat. The waiter then walked over and asked what we wanted. We told him our orders and then he went back into the kitchen, "Hey guys, I have a question for you." I said. "What is it?" Sabrina asked. "What did the ocean say to the beach?" I asked. Everyone stared at me in silence for a couple seconds. "Nothing, it just waved!" I then answered. Dj then started laughing his ass off. A couple minutes later we got our food and started eating. While we were eating i said,
"This food is delicious guys! Isn't that right Sabrina?". She gave me a faint smile and then went back to eating.


As we all finished eating we got the check, Kayla and I Decided to split it. We got up after paying and went back to the car. This time, Kreek was driving and I was on the passenger side. Sabrina and Kayla were still in the back. They were having conversations about the babies and what we were gonna name them. "Hmm, what about Sophia and Sasha?" Kayla asked. "I don't know, we were thinking of maybe one of them being named Stacey. We're not sure about the other one though." Sabrina replied. "What about Stacey and Aloura?" Kreek suggested. "That's actually not a bad idea" Sabrina replied. "Then Aloura it is!" I said out loud. We got back to the house a.k.a the RBB Hype-House (no copyright intended pls dont sue 🥺🥺🥺 if u do sue then sue Halii_Meep it was her idea 🥺🥺/jjjjj) We all went our separate ways. I went to the kitchen where Russo was, Sabrina went up to our room to change her clothes, Kreek went up to his and Kayla's room to start a stream, and Kayla went out to walk Theo.

[Sabrina POV]

I went upstairs to our room to change out of the dress i was wearing. I put on a comfy grey hoodie with some loose shorts. I laid down on the bed and scrolled through tiktok for a while. After a while, i got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I started to think about the aftermath of how my body would look like after i gave birth. I thought about how much weight i would gain after and how my body would physically change. I started to grow nervous and decided to research on how to prevent that from happening. As i was researching on my computer about how to prevent the changes, DJ walked in. "Hey babe, what're you doing?" He asked me. I looked at him with a blank stare and then he peaked at my computer and hugged me from behind. "Brina, you know I'll still love you no matter what you look like." He hugged me tightly and I started tearing up onto his shoulder.

Word count: 1000

An unexpected turn of events [] Rb battles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now