One bed😻 (Fluff) 1/?

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Jack and dave were on their way to vegas after the events of the past. Dave watches everything that passed them, watching the lights from the posts come and go as the car flew past them. Silent music was playing as they moved along the silent road, it was night so nobody was really out which meant barely anybody for them to get upset at, nor was there going to be much traffic up ahead.

They had been driving for about 2 hours now, jack being the one driving mindlessy of course, as Both jack and dave himself never trusted the purple grape man behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.. last time he drove he almost ran some poor elderly woman over and that was the end of being in the drivers seat for him.

Jack flipped through the radios before coming across a relatively good rock song, he let it play, humming the melody of the song to tune off any nerves he was having.

2 hours later

"Hey dave.. were here.." jack calmly states, bringing the car to a stop at a hotel parking lot. Barely and other cars were parked at the entrance, so they assumed there would be good rooms open. They waltz in the front door, sliding them some fake cash and getting the keys for their motel out of the employees hands.

They walk through the hallway, finally finding their room and twisting the key into the door, twisting the knob and swinging the door open. "Didn't we ask for two beds?" Dave asks, looking at the one king sized bed in the middle of the room, jack groans softly and walks over to the sticky bed, sitting down "i couldn't give a single fuck right bow what we payed exhausted.." the orange man mumbles from under the pillows.

Dave walks over to the bed, sitting down by the edge of it and sighing deeply. "Well, old sport, those fucks ripped us off!" He groans, clearly frustrated. Sure it was fake money and held no importance, but it was fake money they had just needlessly wasted on something that wasn't given to them! "Its fine dave, ill ask about it tomorrow, for now just deal with it.."

"Fineee.." dave let out a quiet hum. It wasn't the fact he was upset of sharing a bed with jack, he was actually quite astatic to due so. It was just now theyd have to be paying double the cost when they dont have to..

He gets in bed, grunting quietly when he shoved his head into teh pillow. "You good sportsy?" He asks softly, all his reply was a tired grunt from underneath the pillow. Dave quietly laughs, wrapping his arm around the Clemitine man, holding him tight to him, the room was cold so it was a good idea to huddle together.. definitely not just a excuse to be gay without havin to say 'no Homo' ...

jack cuddles closer to him, humming contently as he drapes his hands around dave. The eggplant shaded man blushes softly, smiling at his co-worker that was now huddled close to him, exhausted and burnt out..he hated seeing the man alaways so tense, seeing him like this brought a warm feeling to him, it felt nice though..

"Night Dave.." *he mumbled softly under his breath, dave smiling as the words hit his chest. "Yup..goodnight, old sport..ill see ya tomorrow morning.." he yawned tiredly, making sure not to move so much as not to disturb the man cuddled into him, letting him sleep peacefully next to him.. he could get used to this feeling...<3

Im sorry if this seems rushed i promise part 2 of this will be longer, it also might contain smut if thats what gets the people reading 😲
Im also forgetting tk mention IM SORY FOR BEING GONE SO DAMN LONG, i lost track of stuff and needed a personal mental break from the internet and forgot to mention it AT ALL i hope thats okay and people still will even find this story, i think another reason why i left tbis is because I wasn't huge on it anymore when i finished the first chapter, so i hope this chapter is okay.. bye bye <333

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