To Valis!

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"... Do forgive me, it seems I've gone a little too far in anger."

I raise both arms, signaling no intention to continue the fight, and apologize.

I mean, I have to. The entire Loki familia has got their eyes on me, as well as the waitresses of the Hostess of Fertility.

Did punching Bete for talking crap about my brother get me a good first impression...?

Why do I always fluke in situations like this?


The morning sun is bright and blinding. For a brief moment, I managed to forget the incident last night.

But it all comes back at such speed my hands cover my face in embarrassment.

Mission:publish a responsible older brother image in front of girls in the pub. Failed.

I ended up paying a crap ton of money for the chair, and part of the wall I had made a hole in punching Bete.

In fact, I'm still in debt. I couldn't say anything back to the pressuring look from Mama Mia, after all, I was the one in the wrong for not taking this outside.

I am such an idiot...

I collect my things and head out. Presently, I have no money and am in debt of 100 000 valis. I have no choice but to make do with the abandoned buildings beside the church Bell and Hestia were staying at.

Honestly, I'd rather not make any ties with the main character. I'm just here to get some girls, I need no men.

I sprint, my steps moving fast, arriving at the guild in just under a minute. It's weird, the people here seem to enjoy moving with a slow stride, perhaps they like the busy streets.

Now then, grinding time.


The smell of blood reeks.

A little bit would've been fine, but this much gross liquid is definitely not welcomed on my clean clothes.

"32 000 valis"


I take the pouches of coins.

Sadly, I don't plan on keeping any for myself, they're all going to the debt I owe to Mama Mia. I'd like to get that weight off of my shoulders as early as possible.

"Ah, Leorus-san? Your dungeon consultant should be here in a minute, please wait."

A red-haired werewolf walks in, her name tag read Rose.

She sits in an empty chair and gestures for me to do the same.

"I heard you've been doing well in the dungeon, Mr. Cranel. Have you been in a familia before?"


"That's unusual. I suppose you are going down with a party, yes? Even so, I do not recommend going so far down without a falna."

"I understand."

"... So far you have been active in the higher levels, my suggestion is that you refrain from moving any further. The middle levels can be quite overwhelming even on some parties."

"I understand."



"You got quite the smell there."

"Haha, well it couldn't be helped."

"Still, I'm surprised you can collect this much in just an hour."

"I consider myself a skilled adventurer, despite everything."

"You sure did display that skillfulness with that punch last night, nya."


I leave the pub. Ryu wasn't there, likely outside to pick up groceries or something. Since she was on my to-be-harem-member list,I need to think of a way for her to fall in love to me.

What was it that she saw in Bell?

Oh righhttttt, it was because he held her hannddddddd.

Wowwwiieee, thhattt is soooo difficullt to dooooooo.

Oh maii gawwddd, ryuu is so harrddd to geeeetttt, Bell is so aamazzinngggg.

That was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell.

Just as I mumble to myself, I see the elf on my mind, Ryu, walking with the paper bag of groceries.

Perfect timing, I can just hold her hand, and it'll be the first member to my harem, Get.


I run up to her.

"I can help you with those groceries."

I reach out my hands and went for a grasp on hers.

I missed.

"Thank you for your consideration, but considering my race, please refrain from touching me so carelessly."

"ah, yeah, sorry."

Ryu passes me by, I don't see a hint of emotion in her eyes. How cold.

I'm here for a harem(Danmachi fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now