Fury met them as they walked off the elevator. Luna's eyes narrowed to slits as she looked at him. The team may have accepted her, broken pieces and all, but that didn't mean she wasn't still angry with Fury. He took away her right to choose when to tell them about her past.

"Agent Woods, glad to have you back." Fury greeted her.

"Up yours, Fury." She growled.

"I can see you're still upset."

"No shit! I wouldn't have run off in the first place if you hadn't tried to force me into telling everyone about my connection to Liam. And then to tell them anyway, knowing that I took off because I didn't want them to know, that was a bitch move." Luna scowled and crossed her arms across her chest.

"No one thought any less of you, so I fail to see the problem."

"Of course you don't see the problem! It doesn't have anything to do with you, so why should you give a shit, right?" Luna yelled.

"Doll, as much as I enjoy watching you take shots at Fury, we need to stay focused on why we came here. Okay?" Bucky rubbed his hand along the small of her back and stepped closer to her side.

"Fine, but keep him away from me." Luna said through gritted teeth.

She stalked past Fury towards the interrogation rooms, only stopping to let Fury walk ahead of her once she reached the hallway where the interrogation rooms were. He led Bucky, Steve, and Luna halfway down the hallway before stopping and pointing to a door on his left.

"He's in here. Rogers, Woods, we can watch from this room." He pointed to a door to the right of the other.

Steve opened the door and allowed Luna to walk in first. Her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes fell on Liam. He was reclined in the hard plastic seat, staring at the tabletop. Even from a side profile, she could see that the usual styled coif and well dressed man was gone. In its place was a dishevelled looking man in a white jumpsuit and shiny silver cuffs clasped around his wrists.

Bucky stepped into the room, a hard glare on his face, as he took the unoccupied seat. Liam looked at him and his expression changed. A cocky smirk titled his lips and his eyes shone as if he had just been given a new play thing. Bucky, on the other hand, looked unfazed. He reclined back in his seat and rested his hands on his thighs, staring Liam down.

"They think I'm enough of a threat to send the Winter Soldier? I gotta say, I'm flattered." Liam chuckled.

Bucky remained silent.

"Mmm, the silent broody type." He clicked his tongue and then smirked. "How's my Lu doing? Better I hope. Not too much permanent damage...physically and mentally of course."

Bucky tensed at the mention of her name, but only enough for Steve and Luna to notice.

"If you're so hellbent on having my leftovers, I have a few tips I'd be willing to share on how to keep her in line." Liam smirked.

Bucky's jaw clenched and Luna saw his hands ball into fists, but he kept his cool and let Liam talk himself into a deeper hole.

"She's a mouthy bitch, so make sure you show her who's in charge. After a few hits she'll become a scared, submissive little thing. A healthy dose of fear every now and then is good for her. See, Luna's like a wild horse, she has to be broken. She's too independent and hard headed to be of any use otherwise."

Liam leaned forward with a menacing smile stretching across his face.

"Seeing her beg you to stop, to show her mercy, it's fucking exciting. She'll do whatever you tell her to afterwards—and I do mean anything." Liam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Fine Line (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now