Sweet Odour

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[Warning: Content talks about underage smoking and vaping, please proceed with caution if you wish to read.]

Ever since I started high school, I had to take the public transit bus more often to go home, which is fine with me. Most of the times I went home with one of my siblings. For the first two years it was with my older sibling and this year it's my younger sibling. There were some instances where I had to go alone due to certain circumstances however I never had any bad experiences. Though if there's something I hated the most about taking the bus, it's going with in the bus with students who vape.

I find it rather disturbing though I never really express it to others. I know vaping and smoking on the transit is illegal. Underage smoking and vaping is illegal as well from where I live. I won't lie, the fumes do give a sweet smell but I also hate smelling it. You never know what's in them as well as those fumes. I know they're bad for me regardless of what age I am. I find it disturbing that students would vape inside the bus despite it being illegal. 

I could be overreacting but it really disturbs me. Most of the times I try to cover my mouth or use a disposable mask to avoid smelling it. I can't really do much about it other than report them. Maybe I'd be doing the bus operator a favour but I don't know what those students may be going through as well and I might make things worse for them as well as myself if I try to report them. Again, I know what they're doing is illegal but... I guess I just need to live through it. I just hope those guys won't end up having bad lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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