a wave of nostalgia

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my life is basicly measured in summers, i don't really feel alive until it's summer.

and this summer, i have a feeling is going to be diffrent from all my other summers, because this summer people might actually like me. i've always had more weight then all the other girls on the beach, everytime i went out with the boys, i'd be left alone while they all hookup, but no one wants me.

this summer is going to be different, i started working out, beginning this year, and i'm proud of myself; i have a flat stomache and less chubby thighs, my jawline is actually defined, not like when i had a dubble chin and im overall more fit.

"belly! we're leaving in five!" i yell out to my younger sister, but five minutes for me is ten for her.

i load my luggage into the trunk and sit in the passenger seat, as i'm the first in the car.

im the middle child in our family, steven my older brother, only by nine months as i like to tease him, and belly, my younger sister of 15, turning 16 this summer.

"hey i called shotgun like- from last summer!" belly called out seeing my in the passenger seat

i laugh and respond, "first come first served dear belly!" i stick out my tongue at her.

she scoffs and takes a seat in the back next to mom, since steven got his license he's our personal uber all the time, i got my license but i prefer steven to drive.

as i blow bubbles with my gum, belly and mom are singing to god knows what and steven is stopping at a gas station to fill up the tank. belly and mom step out to go into the store but i stay in the car with me feet on the dashboard, scrolling trough instagram.

steven is still filling up the tank when there's is an knock on the window, my window. i roll it down to reveal a handsome guy, "hey there" i was still a bit in a trans when i responded, "oh hi"

he gave me a smile, "are you from around?" he asked.

"oh no actually, but i do come here every summer!" i reply pretty shyly.

he started looking me up and down, "i can't seem to remember you, are you coming to the bonfire later today pretty girl?" i looked at his eyes.

"well i've been every year, so why not?" i giggle. i've been called pretty before by anyone exept family.

"great can't wait to see you." he walks away from the car with a wink and i roll up my window. i go to the camera on my phone and it turns out im redder than a tomato.

steven gets back into the car after paying,

"tank is full, where are mom and belly?" he looks over at me, "wait, why are you red like that?" he looked around the car.

"uh it's nothing don't worry, mom and belly are coming out of the store right now." i point to the door of the store, where belly walks out with the same expression as my current one, huh.

we were back on the road, there wasn't much left, we were going to be there in the next ten minutes. belly was already sticking her head out of the window while i was enjoying the view. its the same every year, but the feeling of nostalgia makes it even prettier each year.

we got there and steven honked to get their attention. mom stepped out first followed by steven and then by belly. steven and mom were already getting hugs from susannah and jeremiah.

i got out right after belly and saw jeremiah already checking out belly's new look, because i wasn't the only one who finally got her shit together.

"look who came back all grown up!" jeremiah said before engulfing her in a hug and spinning her around, i've always known he had a thing for belly, since we were little he has had a crush on her. but something i've also known was that belly had a major crush on conrad.

the only ones who were safe were me and steven, i've never had a crush on either one of the fishers and steven, well i think he's straight.

i was talking to susannah when i saw conrad appear, he and belly were staring at eachother, almost a movie scene.

"wow y/n you're beautiful, not that you weren't before, but this new look really suits you!", susannah knew how to make me feel seen.

steven had to but in, "she's going to the gym more than me!" he said with a pout.

jeremiah joined us, "wow y/n i almost didn't recognise you!" he gave me a hug, not one like belly's but he also doesn't have a huge crush on me.

conrad and belly were in their own converstation when jere and steven walked up to them, everyone already knowing which tradition comes first.

'hey hey hey, i don't know if you've noticed" steven looked at his bare arm, pretending there's a watch on it, "i think it's time for a belly flop!" he yells out.

jeremiah and steven both grab a leg, while conrad is holding her under her upper body, they carry her to the edge of the pool and, "one, two, BELLY FLOP!" and belly was in the pool with her clothes.

"guys i hurt my ankle, help me." she sticks out her hand, conrad grabs onto it and with a splash he's in the pool with her when she pulled him over her shoulder.

while belly and conrad were drowning each other, or whatever. i went up and claimed the only room with its own bathroom. first come, first served.

belly and steven were left with the smaller rooms.

when i officially claimed the room by spilling my stuff all over it i went out for my first trip to the ocean. i packed multiple bikini's but also one full body suit, which i wore since i wasn't fully confident yet.

i grabbed my tote bag and put on my sunglasses and left for the beach.

i was swimming, with only the waves to prevent it from being quiet. when i heard jeremiah and belly, letting me know i should start heading back.

"hey y/n i didn't know you were here!" jeremiah called out to me as he saw me swim back to shore.

i turned to look at him and belly, "well i was just leaving, i came pretty early!" i told him.

"you can stay with us if you want!" belly told me, but i refused, knowing jere probably wants her all to himself."

i collected my stuff and left.

jeremiah did bring up a new topic with belly, "does your sister go to the gym? not to sound mean but she looks a lot different."

"yeah well she'd be glad you noticed, when she isn't at practice she's at the gym, she's also on a diet so yeah she's changed, but she's happy." belly cleared up with him.

"huh that explains it." and just a moment later jeremiah was pushing belly playfully into the water, again.

waiting for the waves || jeremiah x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now