Chapter 3

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Nathan had no idea if these were his own memories or a strange dream from blood loss. He vaguely recalled lying in the snow, waking up as the sun peeked over the mountains. He was half covered in snow and felt numb all over, he couldn't even feel the cold, but his guardian angel must have been looking out for him because a random girl from his school, a senior if he recalled, decided to take a morning jog this morning. Something about wanting to go on a diet, taking a run around the block, where she saw a body laying half buried in the snow and decided to take action. Nathan kind of remembered the girl approaching him, saying something he couldn't hear. He still wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not as he couldn't feel her hands pushing against his shoulder and hip rolling him over so he was on his back staring up at the sky. He could see the girl jump back in surprise seeing the frozen puddle of blood where he had been laying and Nathan's wounds, she actually slipped in the snow and landed on her butt which was kind of funny, before she quickly ran home to get her dad.

Nathan must have black out for a while because he didn't recall seeing the girl's dad at all even though he had dragged Nathan's body away from the forest and closer to the road while his daughter called for an ambulance. All Nathan remembered was staring at the ambulance ceiling as two paramedics worked on him, checking his vitals and informing the hospital about his condition. He could see them talking to him though he couldn't hear a word they were saying. He couldn't even feel the ambulance shaking as they went over a particularly bumpy road. The last thing he remembered from that ambulance ride was a bright light being flashed in his eyes as they check his eye dilation...

Nathan really couldn't tell if this was a dream or not. Well, no, he was pretty sure some of it was. He kind of remembered being pushed through the hospital halls, watching all the people run around. Nathan also remembered the white rabbit from Alice and Wonderland jumping around saying "I'm late! I'm late!", Winnie the Pooh sitting on the receptionists desk asking Nathan if he had any honey, and even Bugs Bunny saying "What's up, Doc?" to a doctor eating an energy bar. Those were clearly hallucinations but strangely Nathan saw Zaxton standing in the middle of the hall down one of the many hallways. It was only for a brief moment as the doctors and nurses rushed him to the emergency room but time seemed to slow all around him as he locked eyes with Zaxton. The boy looked rather haggard, his hair a mess and it looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep. His face was a blank mask, showing no emotion, but his eyes... for some reason, Nathan felt his heart keenly as he stared into Zaxton's eyes. He could feel each beat of his heart, like a loud drum beating rhythmically inside his chest. Nathan swore he could actually his heart beat getting fainter, blood pooling a little on the stretcher as his wounds thawed out, and just like that Zaxton seemed to disappear as Nathan was pushed further down the hallway.

The very last thing Nathan remembered was several doctors and nurses lifting him up off the stretcher and onto a operating table. "Can you hear me?" one of the nurses voices asked, sounding both far away and yet somehow close. "Can you hear me?" she asked again as one of the other doctors ripped open Nathan's clothes. Nathan himself didn't react to either the nurses words nor his clothes being removed so they had easier access to the would. Nathan merely closed his eyes and woke up in a hospital room feeling absolutely drained. Now that he was no longer a human popsicle, he could also keenly feel his pain causing Nathan to let out a groan that stirred a slumbering person next to his bed.

"Nathan!" Issac's voice cracked as the boy shot up out of his chair, nearly knocking the thing over. "Doctor! Doctor! He's awake! We need a doctor!" Issac's voice cried out as he rushed to the door, almost tripping on his way out while Nathan stared after him like he was a crackhead.

"Still dreaming, I guess," Nathan said and let out a yawn. "Good night."


"Why couldn't you have just stayed at the house?" Jessie Lake ground out through her teeth, a withering glare centered on Nathan who was currently cowering on his hospital bed using the blanket as a shield or so it seemed. He was lying on a hospital bed holding it up to his chest and gripping it so tightly, his knuckles had turned white. "How many times have I told you not to go walking through the woods by yourself? I hardly like you two walking through the woods at all!" Jessie huffed while throwing her hands up in the air, directing that last statement to Nathan and her "idiotic son who got himself into trouble" who was currently sitting on a chair next to Nathan's bed with his head bowed as if he were responsible for Nathan's accident.

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