Please, Take Care of Him...

225 13 2

►  Catharsis 1
Audition Piece

It was a rainy evening when I first saw him. Thunder echoed so loud that I covered my ears. The sky roared and roared; I had no choice but to stay under the raindrops because I had nowhere else to go. I was abandoned by my own parents. They said, "We're just too many!" So, they went and left me. There I was, shaking, soaked in the tears the sky cried.

But then, I saw him. He stood there in his blue raincoat, all wet but warm. Lightning flashed and his face was illuminated with every strike. I admit, he had that look of being apathetic-- I was wrong. He searched his bag for something and his hands took out a white towel. Quickly, he covered it over my quivering body. "This will give you a little warmth," he said.

I took a glance at him, he smiled. It was not that genuine and happy like I wanted to be, but he smiled. That's when I knew, he was damaged. I knew he wanted to be alone and he would leave me there with a towel for me to keep forever-- I was wrong again. His arms wrapped around me, giving me more warmth. Then, he carried me and we walked and walked until my eyes couldn't take no more and I shut them.

The soft crackling of fire woke me up. I scratched my eye to get a clearer view. There I was-- laying atop a nice, comfy bed, wearing warm clothes-- near the chimney. He was stoking the fire. I couldn't believe he really took me in. A stranger. He let a stranger stay in his house.

"You're awake," he said lowly. Maybe he was trying not to disturb me.

He didn't speak any word afterwards; instead, he gave me milk to drink-- warm milk. I could be shy but my stomach growled and craved, saying otherwise. He laughed and spoke, "Go on, take it." So, I did. I gave my stomach the satisfaction it needed.

That started it, we became friends-- no, partners! We became partners in everything possible. He let me stay, in his house, longer than expected. I served as the light bulb in the darkest shades of his life; he took really good care of me in return. He fed me, accompanied me, entertained me, loved me. He was genuinely happy-- the curves of his smile and the crinkles of his eyes reflected it very well-- and I was happy.

Never in my wildest dreams had I expected that that rainstorm would do more than just clean me. That heavy downpour gave me a new beginning, a new life, a new purpose-- it gave me him.

But you know, what they say, every beginning has its end. Every sweet 'hello' must end with a painful 'goodbye'. And for us, fate could've never been twisted like this.

Now, you're here . . . with him. You'll get to see all the things I told you about him, you'll get to know him better maybe even better than I did. I know it's hard but please don't let him lose that genuine smile again. It took me everything to bring it back but it was all worth the wait. Don't let him lose it.

He might yell at you at times, it's just because he is stressed. He might look at you when you least wanted to, it's just because he cares. He might hold you so tight that you find it hard to breathe, it's just because he needs love. He might caress you that you feel high, it's just because he knows you need it. He will probably do all these things, he will probably long for me.

I know he's broken by me leaving just when everything seems perfect, but it pains me twice as well. So, please, don't let him drown in his loneliness again. Please, take care of him . . . take care of my owner . . . my human . . . please, take care of my partner.

If he ever feels cold: go to him, run your fur across his legs, give him the warmth he needs. Roll the ball of yarn to him if he gets bored and never ever get tired of playing with it, even until the last thread of it. This will surely ease his mood and make him even a little bit happier.

I might be just a fraction of his life, but he was my forever. I had the time of my life breathing, struggling, laughing, fighting with him. Just dance through every rainstorm with him . . . change the meaning of rain for him, like I once did. Who would've thought that a stray cat like me and a stranger in the rain like him will make up the best partnership there is.

Until the heavens permit us to meet again, please, take care of him . . . please, take care of my partner.

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