text me

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Bella did in fact come find me later. I was working up the nerve to go talk to pedro pascal. yes I know I'm famous but I still get nervous talking to celebrities.

"Lils" Bella said, her hand touching my arm. I jump at the suddenous of the movement.

"Sorry" I laugh at the man. "You okay, you've been intensely staring at pedge for like 5 minutes" he laughs, I open my mouth to speak but stops when I see him walking towards us "hide me" I whisper shout to Bella. She panics and turns me around and put her pink jacket over me.

After bella left the red carpet, she went to go find pedro, he was excited to know that bellies little crush has emerged from the darkness and found her again.

"Who you hiding there bellie?" Pedro asks poking his head over Bella's shoulder and looking at the huddled up person under the coat.

"Nobody" Bella laughs, he found it comical that Lila was nervous to meet pedro even though pedro was a cuddle little care bear.

"Any chance hiding under there is Lila Chutney?" My she went wide, shit.

I stand and take to coat off my body, I turn around and stand next to Bella.

"Hi" I say sheepishly, come on Lila it's just a very...tall man who you admire so deeply and have watched every project he's been in... no big deal.

"Hi lila" pedro says, my breath doesn't even out not until Bella's hand finds its spot on my back.

"Hi pedro" I smile, forcing myself to not bite my lip.

"Why were you hiding?" He hums, eyes flicking to Bella before landing back on me.

"Cause your like totally awesome" I gushed towards the man.

Pedro smiles proudly at bella and readjusted his suit
"I like her" he says talking about me.

"Like seriously, I've seen all your work" I go on, bella laughs and runs her hand up and down my back "stop, you'll make his ego sky rocket. It's already so high" bella laughs and Pedro roles his eyes.

"Lila oh my god there you are" Sadie's voice echoed through the chatter. I look over to where the voice came from, Sadie was wearing a lovely deep purple dress.

She hugged me once she cut through the people walking around.

"Hey, uh I'll see you later. Text me" Bella's hands slip into mine, sliding me a small peice of paper.
I turn back to her "yeah see you later good luck" I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her cheek, making sure not to get any of my lipstick on her face.

Sadie noticed us both blushing as we parted.

"Bella ramsey, Lila ramsey, bella Chutney. Hm, I like Lila ramsey better" she teases, I shove her shoulder.

Sadie and I have been friends for ages, we worked closely on stranger things, her and I are probably closer than any other stranger things cast mates.

She was the second person I told about my sexuality. I was never a girl for labels but I told her of my feelings toward women and she excepted me with open arms.

The first person I told, was Maya. I told her first because I knew she would understand more than anything, mainly because of her experience playing queer characters, and the fact that when I started being confused about these feelings was when her and I were filming 'do revenge'.

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