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Before you read any chapter of this book, please make sure to that you read this note. I would like to announce some things beforehand. Do pay attention to each and every word I have typed here, I do not wish to make myself repeat it in the future, unnecessarily.

1. I would not compel/ask/beg/request anyone of the readers to read this book for me. If I were to recommend this book, it would only be to a critic.

2. If you feel that any part of this book, or if the book itself makes you feel disgusted because of the way I've penned it or the storyline or whatever, just stop reading. To put it short, stop reading if you feel that this book feels awful and if it violates you. I myself have personal experiences of forcing myself to read books, which I have felt to be utterly awful and disgusting, just for the sake of finishing the book I'd started and ended up being traumatized for a few days. I beg of you readers, please, if you feel that this book is traumatizing to you, stop. I will NEVER EVER compel you to read it. I am not responsible if you continue reading this book despite of the fact that it's traumatizing and I've adviced you against it. I literally fall at your feet, please don't put your mental health in trouble just to finish a book, please!

3. I will never ask anyone to comment, vote, read, share etc on this book. I see a lot of writers do it, its their choice, I respect that, but I feel that you readers must vote, comment, read, share etc on this book only if you feel that it's worthy enough for it. I will never beg for any of these. I write this book for my sake, to pen the floating ideas in my brains, not for the sake of obtaining all these. I feel that in order to get these, I must enchant you with my words so that you feel compelled to vote, comment etc.

4. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

5. Bashing is prohibited here. I find bashers to be attention seeking, good for nothing narcissists who've got no other job than disrupting someone's mental peace. If anyone tries to bash, expect little to nothing attention from me. Unlike you, I've got way better standards and works to do other than replying to your petty comments.

6. This story is based on Ancient India, specifically the Chōlās and Chalukyas.
It is a historical fiction, meaning, not everything in this book is true, especially the characters. But, a lot of information, like the history of the Cholas, the social situations and stuff are mostly true.

7. The women in this story, much like most of the ones in the ancient times, especially ancient Tamilakam, do not bother to cover their upper bodies. Hence, I shall depict them as half naked, unless or until they are wearing a saree. Even then, they shall not be wearing any kind of blouses or whatever underneath. If you consider this pornographic, the please stop reading. Breasts, cleavage, midriff, waist, navel  etc are all parts of the female body. Every woman has them and they're completely normal. There's no need to sexualize them unnecessarily and portraying them as vulgar. Even the so-called ‘Primitive’ and ‘Superstitious’ ancients were much advanced and liberal in thinking than the so-called ‘Modern’ and ‘Scientific’ humans today. It just depends upon your perspective, whether to normalise it, or sexualize it.

8. This book contains LGBTQ themes. Homophobics, please stay away!

9. This book contains blood, gore and mentions of suicide. It's also contains the mention of menstruation in a liberal and scholarly manner. If it triggers you in any manner, I beg of you to stay away!

10. There aren't any face claims, imagine the characters as you please!

11. This book mentions about hybridisation of organisms, which was a pretty common practice in the ancient world, especially in ancient Egypt and ancient India. There shall be hybrids who are the mixture of 2 different animals and the half-human, half-animal hybrid.

12. Updates are gonna be irregular.

13. Last but not the least, I thank every reader who has spent some amount of time in reading this book!

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