He answered my call on the first ring and pried, "Yes, little unicorn!"

"Did you reach Queens?"

"No. We stopped at some restaurant to have lunch."

"I wanted to say you something."

"I am hearing."

I thought for a minute and replied which I didn't thought of saying. "I will miss you."

He chuckled and expressed, "Let me remind you, Miss Garcia. You asked for some time before, you decide to be my girlfriend. So. Stop sounding like the one."

"I wanted to..." I stopped. Why can't I just say yes to him?

"Little Unicorn!" His calm voice sends a cool breeze into my heart. It enchanted me with a spell of calmness and serenity. I closed my eyes and tried to push my fear aside. Do you want to come near me?

"Yes!" I responded in a calm tone.

Fine. I will send Theo to Manhattan. He will pick you up directly from the company and bring you to Queens.

Okay. I opened my eyes and cut the call. It felt like a relief to me.

As I stepped inside the cafeteria, I saw all the females of Martinez Construction having lunch. Instantly, I recalled Sophia's words.

I felt like they were giving me a deathly glare. Not only that I hallucinated like everyone is holding a butter knife, butcher knifer, or a seesaw. To cut me into pieces or to drink my blood. I perceived the palpitation of my heart. I saw every girl move towards me with a yearning to kill me.

"Jazmine!" I jumped up quite startled by Christ's call out. "I called you multiple times, why weren't you responding?"

"Maybe she is missing someone!" Sophia mocked, walking past me. Then she winked at me, making her way to the buffet table.

I joined her and replied, "Yeah. I miss Ali." I served my plate and went to sit with Duke and Christ.

"Oh, are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Christ inquired. Simultaneously Sophia approached and took a place at the same table, opposite me. As I and Adrian decided to keep it a surprise, I have to fib.

"Maybe I will not attend it."

"Mr. Martinez is also not attending the party," Sophia piped in, informing us. "Seems like he is having some personal plans with someone." I quirked my lip and glowered at her. She will not refrain from teasing me.


I left the cabin before my fellow colleagues as I have to grab a view of accessories from my home before going to Queens. Theo arrived at four in the evening and when I went to the parking lot, he stood with the back seat door open for me.

"Theo no need for formalities, I will sit on the passenger seat!"

"No. No. No. Mr. Martinez will kill me. So, please Miss Garcia".

"Call me Jazmine."

"I was warned to behave adequately with you. And I don't want to face his anger in your case."

"Hmm..." I hummed and took a place on the back seat. "can you take me to my place, I need to grab a few things."

"Sorry, Boss ordered to bring you as quickly as possible!"

"Theo you are annoying me now!"

"Unfortunately, I have no other option!"

I groaned with frustration and beseeched. "I will not take more than five minutes. Please, pretty please."

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now