Chapter 12

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"Babe the doctor" Lewis said and I stood up,

"What happened Doctor?" The doctor sighed

"We have done the necessary tests and Mr and Mrs Hamilton your son is suffering from diabetes mellitus." I didn't realise what happened, I was so much in shock and I sat back to my chair

"Babe I got you" Lewis sat next to me and he squeezed my arms, I looked at him

"Diabetes Mellitus?" I asked with tears to my eyes and Lewis trying to take away my tears

"Everything is fine don't worry" Lewis said trying to calm me

"Can we watch him?" I asked and doctor nodded, we went to the room and we watched Leo with some cables to his chest

"They can watch how fast my heart beats mum!" Leo said as I came next to me, I kissed his hair "I'm fine don't worry mama!" Leo said hugging me, Lewis came from my back and he hugged me

"I know baby! You are so strong boy!" Lewis said and he squeezed his cheek

"Can we leave? I want to go home!" Leo said

"I know sweetie but we'll stay here tonight!" The doctor came in

"As I heard you already know that you'll stay here for tonight! Miss Norris or Mister Hamilton, maybe both, do you want to come outside and speak about that topic!" I nodded and I stood up

"Mama don't be late" Leo said and I turned to him "I will not late my love" We walked out of the room

"So, he has to stay at least for a week, but he needs to stay with someone, Miss Norris is better you go home, I see that you are pregnant and here we have a lot of children's sicknesses and it's better for you be home!" I looked at Lewis

"I can stay for tonight, call your mum honey" I walked a few metres away and I called my mom, Bianca

"Hey amore mio!" ("Hey my love!")

"Ehi mamma! Leo è in ospedale..." ("Hey mom! Leo is in hospital...")

"Che cosa? Quello che è successo? Dio mio!" ("What? What happened? My God!") I heard my mum's deep breath

"Ha il diabete mellito e dovrà restare in ospedale e non posso stare con lui a causa del bambino e Lewis ha la gara" ("He has diabetes mellitus and will have to stay in hospital and I can't be with him because of the baby and Lewis has the race")

"Verrò a Monaco con il prossimo volo! Chiamami se hai bisogno di altro!" ("I will come to Monaco with the next flight! Call me if you need anything else!") I hand up with my mum and I walked to Lewis

"My mom will come from Italy" I said and I sighed

"Great, now come and I'll tell you what you have to do"

We walked to the room and we all stand next to Leo

"So, let's start! Now we have to put him that small machine to his arm and you'll download an app to your phones so you can see his sugar. The normal is until 100, Leo has over 100 that means that he has to do an injection the insulin! It's not something wow, you place the needle to his right or left side of his stomach here and then you press the button! He needs insulin when he eats his breakfast, his lunch and his dinner! In the middle of the night if he'll have high sugar then you'll receive a notification and you'll do the insulin! It's good for him to stop running too much and of course he'll eat as few as he can sweets and all of this stuff!" He looked at Leo and he sighed "I think that I have nothing else to tell you! you can buy the insulin from a pharmacy!"he liked at us

"Thank you doctor"

"You're welcome" he smiled at Leo and he left

"What is insulin?" Leo asked and I sat next to him

"Our organism can make a substance so when we eat bad food we won't have some bad symptoms! Your organism can't do that! So we have to find a way to put this substance to your organism! The doctor gave to mum this so we can put this substance to your organism and your health will be good!" Leo looked at the insulin injection

"Well interesting! Is it hurt?" He asked me with puppy eyes, Lewis sat next to us

"No buddy! It'll not hurt you! Don't worry!" Leo hugged me

"Mom can I come home?" I stroking his hair

"Sweetie the doctor said that we'll leave in a week! You'll stay tonight with dad and then when when dad leave for England to the factory, grandma will stay with you!" He looked at me

"You? You don't want to stay with me?"

"I want but I can't! It's not good for the baby!" He looked at my belly

"You have a point! Too many sickness!" Lewis and I laughed

"Buddy give a kiss to mum! She'll leave!" Leo kissed my cheek

"Good Night mama!" He kissed my belly "Good Morning brother or sister!" I smiled and I kissed his head

"Good Night Leo!" I looked at Lewis and I kissed him

"Good night! If you need something call me!" He smiled

"I will don't worry! You'll come to the race?"

"As much as I can't be with Leo to the hospital!" I winked at him and I left. I took Lewis's car to go back home, my whole world has changed! I hope that everything will be fine! All you need sometimes is some faith!

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