Lesbian moms club

Start from the beginning

Tyler: I'm sure he wants you, dude

Cody: Linds and I can help you with your ale-crush!

Lindsay: ale-crushh.. Good one!!

Cody: one master of comedy to another, one of us always catches up one of these

Lindsay: whta?

Tyler: back to the alecrush thing...

Cody: right! U did well by stop saying the I like girls thing!

Lindsay: agreef! Uf u kepy satinf that, he wuld thinc he dusnt hav ant opportunitjed!

Cody: yeah! Also you can try talking more to him, getting closer to him, hang out with him...



Tyler: tysm guys!!

Drama buddies

DJ: let me ask my momma if I can go!

Leshawna: sweetie, you just called your mom..

DJ: yea, and she told me to ask my other momma for permission

Leshawna: ooohh

Duncan: HA! DJ HAS 2 MOMS

Gwen: so? At least his moms love him

Duncan: my mom DOES love me

Noah: welcome to the lesbian moms club DJ

Bridgette: u too Noah?

Noah: my mother got divorced from my father because she found out she was attracted to girls, so she decided to try with this woman

Bridgette: what happened?

Noah: they have been together for 3 years now, my mother looks a lot more happy now than when she was with my father

Gwen: being lesbian brings joy and happiness into your life

Cody: Noah's moms are so loving and caring I love them

Cody: I love ur moms noah

Cody: noah I love ur moms

Cody: I love ur noah moms

Noah: I love ur Cody, Cody

Cody: umm hehe emm hah um hi

Geoff: he wants him

Trent: definitely

Gwen: Heather wants me

Heather: in your dreams gothie ;)

Cody: she wants you

Gwen: I know

Justin: everyone wants me

Lindsay: yourr nut eveb thar hot..

Cody: nut...

Trent: nut...


Owen: I love her... (heart eyes looking at izzy)

Justin: w-what do you mean I'm not t-that hot...?

Justin: omg dont tell me...

Justin: will I have to live in a circus as a clown for the rest of my life to hide from society so they don't have to look at my ugly face forever and ever? Why does it happens this to me? I'm ugly... Now I will have to be one of those nerds with glasses that the only good thing they have is their brains but nobody... read more

Owen: I think ur hot hehe+4...

Geoff: Izzy watch ur man 🔥

Izzy: oh im always watching him! Like, we live together along with Eva and when I get bored I open my eyes so big and put on a serious face and look at Owen, it's like, so funny! He always looks so scared! HAHAGSHAGA

Geoff: you're scary, pal


Leshawna: DJ did you ask your mothers already

DJ: yep! They let me go! Meet you at five!

Leshawna: alright baby

Read at 12:49

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