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|Who do you want me to be?|


"Just got visual confirmation from Bangi, it's her," Bones says strutting into my office. I sigh. "And the offer?" I ask. "She didn't exactly turn it down but he said he left her your number," he replied. So now I wait, like I've done for the past 6 years. Like I've done since I saw her at that restaurant. "What have we got on her so far?" I asked. "She's kept a lot of her life under wraps but we do know she served in the army as a medic for four years before being honorably discharged, with medals and everything. She opened up her own practice as soon as she returned, I can't figure out where the money came from. She also seems to treat some pretty sketchy people," he recites. She's wracked up quite the resume in the past 6 years. "Any boyfriends?" I ask, anticipating the worst. "No, apparently she doesn't do love. I hear she has some uhm shall I say lovers but no actual commitments. She's broken more hearts than you have, actually," he says and I laugh. "I somehow find that hard to believe," I replied. My phone rang, it wasn't a number I recognized but I answered in hopes that it was her. "So what do I call you?" she asked in greeting. I pumped my fist in the air. Bones gave me a questioning look and I nodded, pointing at file in his hands. His eyes widened as my grin widened. "Who do you want me to be?" I asked and she laughed. Fuck. "How about we skip the introductions and you tell me what you want?" she proposed. "You," I said. Silence. "Excuse me?" she asked. "I mean I want you to work for me, as a doctor for my men," I said. "And why exactly do your men need a doctor. Is the winter making them catch the flu?" she asks, with a hint of amusement. "Not exactly, no. How about we meet up so we can discuss this properly, Dr Williams," I said. "It's a bit unfair that you know my name and yet I don't know yours," she said whining. "All will be revealed soon Doc, how's the Habana for you? At 8 tonight," I asked. "It's a date," she replied. More fist pumping. "I can't wa-" I started saying but she'd already hung up. "SHE SAID YES!" I shout and Bones laughs shaking his head.

"She's been waiting for you for quite a while," Rick, the bodyguard, says when he sees me. I check my watch. It's 7:55, she's early. The club is empty, per my request and she's sitting at the bar, back to me. I start walking towards her quietly, she takes a sip of the martini in front of her before setting the glass down. "Are you trying to sneak up on me?" she asked without turning and I laugh. "Good evening Dr Williams," I say stepping in to her sights. "Good evening Mr Bhele," she says turning and offering me her hand. I wait for a sign of surprise from but she just looks amused. "You're not surprised?" I ask as I shook her hand. "I don't like surprises Mr Bhele, so I always do my research. The next time you want to spy on someone, try not to use someone they know," she answered. I sat down, unsure of what to say. She looks beautiful in a strapless lacy top and black mini skirt. Her legs are crossed, revealing the the soles of her red bottoms. "You know Bangi?" I asked. "I did live with you for quite some time, Mr Bhele. Now what do you want?" she asked. "Please, just Thandolwethu will be fine. And like I've said already I want to offer you a job, as my on call doctor," I said. She looks at me, her intense eye contact unwavering. "And why do you think I need a job, Mr Bhele?" she asked. "Trust me, I need you more than you need me," I say. "I'm aware," she says smirking. "Now the thing is, Mr Bhele, I kind of sorta hate you. I don't think working for you is the best thing to do," she says. "Ntandokazi I'm sorry. Your parents deaths are on me and -" I start but she cuts me off. "Shut up. I don't want to hear it. This meeting is over, Mr Bhele. I would unkindly like to decline your offer, goodbye," she says downing the last of her drink. She stands up and pulls her skirt down, and I can't help but stare at her thighs. "My eyes are up here," she says with her taunting smirk. She walks away, giving me a great view of her ass, why am I even looking at it? She stops midway and turns. "Oh and Mr Bhele, the next time I see you I will be sure to kill you."

LOVE'S BROKEN HINGESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon