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I smiled and waved as we left the wedding venue. Flowers were thrown at us every which way. I glanced up quickly to look at my new husband. He looked at me as well before squeezing my hand reassuringly, smiling down at me. I smiled as well until we finally reached the car. My parents came over and showered me with hugs and well wishes before my husband told them it was time to leave. He took hold of my hand and led me into the car after he climbed in. The car doors shut and through the lightly tinted windows, I could see people still waving. As the engine revved, Thandolwethu immediately let go of my hand and stopped smiling. He slid away from me and adjusted his suit before pulling out a laptop from under the seat. He opened it and started furiously typing. I looked at him in shock and amazement. He turned and looked at me the smile and gleam in his eyes gone, replaced by a hard, cold stare.
Him: "Yintoni? What is it? Do you need something?"
He demanded his cold stare sending shivers down my spine. I gulped,
Me: "Uhm well no, you just well never mind"
I sputtered and Thandolwethu narrowed his eyes at me and stared for a while before turning back to the laptop. He was silent and for a while the only thing that could be heard was the on-going traffic outside and the clicking of the keyboard.
Him: "There is a rule in this...marriage that you must follow if you want it to be successful. LEAVE ME ALONE . That includes not touching me, no speaking to me unless spoken to and staying the fuck out of my business. Do you understand?" My eyes widened in surprise. Rules? In a marriage. That's a start.
Him: "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He demanded fiercely and I nodded quickly.
He turned back to his laptop and I looked down at my dress and fiddled with the long veil. The lace mermaid dress seemed so unimportant now. Like it had all been a joke.

After arriving at a mansion which I knew to be Thandolwethu's house, I was shown to my room where all my belongings had been placed. The bedroom had a modern touch to it and it's light grey walls. It was airy and cold. Well not in the literal sense, today was quite a warm day. It had no homely sense it was just four walls. Samara, the maid Thandolwethu had asked to show me around showed me the bathroom which carried the same theme as the bedroom; light, cold and airy.
Me:"Thank you"
I said to Samara and she nodded before leaving. I decided to take a shower and locked the bathroom door behind me. I hummed softly as I showered and enjoyed the sensation of warm water cascading down my body. When I slightly began to turn red, I switched off the shower and got out. I dried my body and hair before wrapping a towel around me. I unlocked the door and almost screamed when I saw Thandolwethu on my bed typing on his laptop.
Me: "What are you doing here?"
He looked up at me in annoyance.
Him:"Sundibuza ububanxa. Why shouldn't I be here? It is my room after all."
My eyes widened. His room? That means we are sharing a room.
Him:"Yes we are married after all"
Thandolwethu said as if reading my thoughts.
Me:"Well quite frankly that's dumb. How do you expect me not to talk, touch or stay out of your business when you will be in my space half the time,"
I huffed and Thandolwethu smirked.
Him: "Mhm. That's quite a point. But if you keep your distance, I shall do the same"
Then he turned back to his laptop, yho he is glued to that thing. I took out some clothes from my suitcase and went off to change in the walk in closet. I wasn't going to undress in front of him. I closed the door and changed with my back it. I pulled my panties on and wore my bra and tights before wearing a floral knee length summer dress. I turned and squealed when I bumped in to a wall. I rubbed my forehead and looked up only to find that the wall was actually Thandolwethu.
Me: "W-what are you doing here? How did you get in?"
I stammered.
Him: "I walked in through the door and I was not aware that I was not allowed in my own closet,"
He looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I put on my slide ins and went out of the room. It was already dark outside and the bright lights in the house were blinding. I walked down the staircase. I almost bumped in to Bones, Thandolwethu's head of security on my way down.
Bones:"Mrs Bhele. What are you doing here?"
Me:"Uhm well, I was just looking around. What can I do here? Maybe some housework, I'm going crazy and I've only been here for 3 hours,"
Him: "Uhm well I don't think so but dinner will be ready soon so you can go and watch some TV," 

I nodded. I went in to the living room and sat on the couch. The living room theme was a bright white and some green plants. I opened the large TV and flipped through channels idly. After a while of flipping, Samara came in to tell me that dinner was ready and I followed her out to the dining room. It's theme was  clear white with touches of gold. I sat down in one of the seats as Samara brought me a plate of rice, beef and some vegetables. I thanked her and ate. Samara came back after a while and asked if I needed anything. I shook my head no and she nodded.
Me:"Yima Samara. Is Thandolwethu not coming down for dinner?"
She shook her head.
Samara: "Sir's meals get sent up to his- your room"
She said quickly before leaving. I ate quickly and went through to the kitchen to put away my plate. Samara was in conversation with another maid and they straightened up when I came in. Samara: "Ma'am, what are you doing here? I would have collected your plate for you"
She said and I shook my head. Me: "Andisosiqhwala mna, I can take my own plates"
She took the plate from me and busied herself washing it despite my protests. I bid her and the other maid goodnight before leaving the kitchen. I went my room and I could hear the shower water running which told me me that Thandolwethu was in the shower. His empty plate lay on the dresser on the  left. I changed into my night dress before slipping into the right side of the bed. I fell asleep instantly as my head hit the pillow.

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