04, exploded celebrations

Start from the beginning

"oh, I didn't assault anybody" The lady, Limbrey spoke.

"He can identify the psycho from a mile away" Kiara argued but the woman waved her hand slightly.

"Why would my employee a-a-asult your father? That's absurd" Limbrey laughed. "Listen we can keep on negotiating, but the fact is that I want the key." The henchman pushed Pope against the pillar and AJ was quick to shove the man back.

"I won't stop until I have it. I don't have a choice, which means you don't either" Limbrey spoke and AJ matched her glaring eyes with the henchman's.

A glittering met AJ's eyes and she looked to the side, a key John B was holding being the source. AJ clued into the plan immediately, having JJ and John B talking about it two feet away from her earlier.

"It's Limbrey right? Is that right?" Limbrey turned at John B's voice, her eyes lighting up when she saw the key in his hand.


"Is this what you're looking for?" He asked and AJ smiled to herself slightly but in an instant wiped it off and returned her stare to the henchman. Her hand still raised and ready to push him further.

"yes it is"

"Looking at the tide right now, I'd say it's about 20 feet deep out there. So if I just threw it in the channel, the probability of you finding it again is slim to none" AJ looked slightly behind her when the henchman turned his eyes away from her. She could see Pope dig in his pocket for the real key.

"wanna give it a shot? ready?" John B held the key out and over the dock and pretended to throw it. Limbrey was ready to dive for it.

"No hey! Please don't do that" She pleaded.

"get him to back the hell up"

"of course." She looked to the henchman who was now locking eyes with AJ again."back up" Limbrey said and as the man moved back, Limbrey moved forward. The older woman looked over AJ's shoulder to the boy leaning up against the pillar.

"as I have told you from the beginning. I am willing to be reasonable." AJ turned to look to Pope, the pogues doing the same.



"I'll give you the key but I want the tape," Pope said and Limbrey nodded.

"of course, of course"

"Pope. Hey, hey hey hey you don't have to do this, okay?" John B put on a show and AJ took a bit of a step back.

"no, it's okay"

"no dude, hey this is your family" John B continued and Pope played accurately along.

"It's fine. It's okay it's about your dad" AJ met JJ's eyes and they shared a look. "it's way more important" Pope held his hand out to John B, waiting for the key to be placed in his hand.

"oh you're a good friend," Limbrey said as she Pope get the key.

"the tape?"

"Yes, give him the tape" Limbrey looked behind her at the henchman and AJ watched as he took a tape out of his jacket pocket and handed it over as Limbrey took the key from Pope's hand.

"you know, I wish that you'd come to this decision earlier. we could have avoided all this unpleasantness" The two were walking off after that.

"nice to meet you" John B sarcastically said and AJ met the henchman's eyes with another glare.

"see you around Pope"

It took another moment or so until someone spoke up. JJ moved from his spot, his words breaking the silence. "how long do you think we have until she realizes she has your father's old key?" His question directed at John B.

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