2. I'll never forget...that night

Start from the beginning

"Oh." I nod.

"Yeah broke student life." They say with a half smile. " Some of the classmates are partying tho so if you'd wanna join them." They suggest.

"I kinda don't wanna. I only came cuz I couldn't sleep anymore." I tell them. "Well you can also wait here for a little. My shift ends in a little." They say, we could do something after that." They add. "Isn't everything closed up?" I ask. "We'll figure it out." I just nod.

Once they went back in I sit down on one of the benches to wait.


But after waiting for another 40 minutes they still didn't finish up. I thought 'a little' means like 10 or the most 20 minutes. But I don't have anything else to do so I just wait.

But then they com around. "I'm sorry I let you wait this long. I should've finished 20 minutes ago, but suddenly it was busy." They say and I can tell by their facial expression that they're actually sorry.

"It's fine, I don't have to do anything anyway." I shrug and get up. "You cold? You can have my jacket." They day. "No I'm fine, really." I say and smile.

"Anyway what can we do?"

"I don't know sit a little and talk." They say and check their phone. "The first shops will start opening in a little over an hour, we can go get coffee then." They suggest. "Sure."

They lead me to some parc nearby a lake. They take of their jacket and lay it down for us to sit on.

"It feels crazy that this feels like the most human thing I've done in a while." I say after a while of silence.

"Fame must be scary" They answer.

"I wouldn't say scary, but it's something so weird like it's insane to me that so many people can know who I am while I don't even know they exist and with that I'm not even trying to sound like I'm bragging or whatever."

"You don't sound like you're bragging." They reassure me.

"But I'm very grateful for it tho, I feel like it's something I can't take for granted. I don't want to take it for granted because it gives me such a platform I can do good things for humanity with." I say.

"Yeah, but you're what? 20? Someone your age shouldn't deal with this amount of pressure to want to solve the world's problems and you've BEEN dealing with all this."

"I'm 21 actually." I say in a fake hurt tone.

"Oh my bad." They and smile.

"But anyway yeah true, but you learn to deal with it tho and in today's age there are a lot of young people dealing with the same stuff tho." I say.

"It must be nice to be able to talk to people in the same positions who can relate."

I nod at that. "That's true."

"How did you make the choice to study fashion? It seems like a choice that's not very common." I ask them.

"Yeah, true it isn't. I've honestly always enjoyed basically any form of art and I even did some actor stuff in the past. But I just think fashion is a form of art that's very underrated it's so pure and not a lot of people use it for all the good stuff it can be used for. Like self expression is so important to me and fashion is one of the biggest things that can be used for self expression. I also think it's really cool you can put your soul into something you make yourself and that you can wear with pride." They answer and if it wasn't dark I know I could see the sparkle in their eyes.

"That's very passionated, I like that." I say. "What about music tho, or writing?" I add. "I don't know. I like music a lot, but wouldn't be able to make it myself."

"What kind of music are you into?" I ask. "Now you want me to say Billie Eilish, that's a cool artist huh?" They laugh.

"I uh- no not at all, I mean you gonna work for me so I might hope like me as an artist." I answer.

"Yeah I do, I really like your music videos, they're very well put together in my opinion. Your music is cool too, but it's not that I'm head deep into fan-girl rabbit hole for you." They say.

"I knew that already you literally only started following me a couple hours ago."

"I don't really follow artists like that anyway, I usually will follow people who I vibe with and I thought there was a vibe." They explain.

"Ohh okay yeah." I answer.

It might sound crazy - or not, since we're literally in a wattpad fanfic - but Jean feels like someone I can talk to without being judged and since the position I got myself into with my career I don't often feel like that with new people anymore. I feel like people already have this expectation of me even before they have met me for the first time.

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