1. Everything feels so unusual

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Everything feels so unusual
Everything feels so unusual
Since I met you here
An evening never tasted this sweet
Billie's POV
I've been on my world tour for three months, currently pleasing me European fans. But this week I got some days off from shows, not from celebrity life tho. At the moment I am in Paris, where I have a collaboration with the college of Paris for fashion and modelling. My management thought this would be fresh and new promotion for me. I've tried to make my tour as climate neutral as possible and now they wanna show Billie Eilish is also trying to give young talent chances. Since I've been in the media for my style quite often, they wanted to make a statement to let one of the students for that college design and make my clothes for this tour and possibly longer.

Today I have a meeting with the ten students that make a chance. The college decided that those ten students are the best. I had to sent in 5 'moodboards' that gave what I liked/what I wanted to see and based on one of those they had to make an outfit and I have to choose the best outfit today. That student is gonna be the one.

I'm kinda stressed tho about all of this, I'm used to being surrounded by a lot if people omder then me and now suddenly I'ma work very close with people only one or two years older. We'll see how that goes.

I've seen some work from graduated students from that school and I do like most of their styles so I think it's gonna be cool. And I do like the idea of working with young artists.

Right now I have to get to the breakfast table to have some food and after that we leave to the college immediatly I think that project is gonna take most of the day.

"Good morning." I say as I meet the rest of the crew that are already eating.


After breakfast Finneas, my mom and I head to the campus while the rest does whatever they need to do to prepare for the next show, which is in Paris in two days. My dad wanted to explore the city a little and he isn't into clothing and fashion anyway so he'd just be bored.

We arrive and just at the time we arrive some hasty student arrives and parks his bike.

"Oh you're already here." He says when he walks up to us after closing his bike up.

"Could you do me a favor?" He asks.

I look at him with a frown and nod slightly.

"Sorry first. I am Jean hi. I am one of the students that was chosen for that contest thingy and I ran late. Now I'm quite known for running late and that teacher is annoyed with me for that. So if you could wait outside for a little while I go in and settle he won't be as angry because I arrived before you." He explains.

"Oh yeah sure, no problem." I say and him go in.

"Okay weird." Finneas mumbles once Jean is out of side enough not to hear us.

"Hi Fin and Maggie too by the way." The guy shouts when he turns around for another time.

"seems like a cool person." I say and shrug.

"Of course you think that." Fin says.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just like. He's a pretty face." Fin says.

"Shut up."

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