v. cyclones

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FREE PRACTICE ONE AND two had been absolutely awful

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FREE PRACTICE ONE AND two had been absolutely awful. p7 and p9 were isabel's results for the friday events, which was an unwanted start to what wasn't even the race weekend yet.

she'd quickly congratulated noah for holding p6 in fp1 and fp2 before leaving to go speak to harry, who also didn't look pleased. "we're sorting out the issues, belle," her race engineer said as he sat down on the couch in her driver room. "it should be right by tomorrow."

"this is embarrassing," isabel groaned as she collapsed onto the couch beside him, rubbing her face with his hands. "i already got called a shit driver from the stands on the way in here," her voice was muffled. "wasn't even my fault."

"it's the car's fault," harry agreed with her. "we're getting the engine sorted out. it'll be fine for quali tomorrow."

"thanks," isabel removed her hands so that she could shoot him a small smile before standing back up. "think i'm gonna head back to the hotel, though."

"yeah," harry nodded as he looked up at her, "escape before the ferrari boys find you," he joked lightly.

more like escape so that i have time to myself before max shows up, she thought bitterly, but the smile remained on her face as she half-agreed with her engineer.


THE WATER DRIPPED DOWN isabel's shoulders as she stood under the showerhead in total bliss. the warm water soothed her aching joints until they were nothing but a dull throb, but it also washed away the thoughts of how her car had fucked her over in free practice.

well, it was bliss until she heard the sound of a door loudly being shut. with the mood ruined, isabel turned the taps until the water stopped and reached for her towel.

"are you gonna be long?" max's voice was gruff as he knocked on the bathroom door.

she rolled her eyes. impatient much? "you just heard me turn the shower off," she snapped.

"someone's bitchy," max hummed, but she still heard it through the door as she got dressed. "how does p9 feel?"

"it'll feel better when my lap's faster than yours tomorrow," isabel said, only unlocking the door once she was in a pair of black shorts and a red sports bra.

max took that as a sign to open the door. he walked behind her as soon as he was inside, dumping a fresh set of clothes on the side of the sink. "only if your car doesn't break down again."

"whatever," she rolled her eyes and left the bathroom. as soon as she left, the door shut and locked.


𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, max verstappen ✓Where stories live. Discover now