Chapter 2 [Training]

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Chapter 2

Senshado Garage.

"It's nice to see you all in here after the entrance ceremony, I'm Maaru Ren, the Vice Commander.

"We'll Start today with practice, formation training and gunnery, just as what'd you expect."

She says to the new recruits who've formed up in a column formation in front of her.

"Before we start, I still have something to say." She clears her throat. "This Is Kuromorimine Women's College!We Have Traditions! To those who seriously thought they would have a fun and easy practice."

"We don't have that, we're strict around here."

"Hopefully you all keep that in mind."

"Now that that's all done, let's begin." She says, looking down at her clipboard.

"Alright, enter the respective tanks you've been assigned to earlier, we'll begin the practice after you've done so."

All the students begin dispersing, moving to their respective tanks, Victoria herself begins to walk towards the Panzer III Type J which she was assigned to.

Reaching the tank, She looks around for the rest of her crew. 'Looks like i'm the first one here' She mutters to herself.' Suddenly, someone taps her on the shoulder, surprised. she jerks off quickly turning around.

She notices the person who tapped her, she's a girl with light brown hair in twin ponytails

She speaks up first. "Oh were you also assigned to this Panzer III?" Victoria asks.

"Oh yeah! I'm the commander, you're the gunner right?"

"Yeah I am, the name's Victoria. what's yours?"

"It's Leila, Leila Rou, by the way, that name doesn't sound japanese, are you a foreigner?" She remarks.

"Oh no! i'm not, that's just how my parents named me, they also named all my siblings with latin names, i still don't know why."

"Hmm, Alright, Nice to meet you." She says, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Likewise." Victoria accepts.

Victoria climbs up inside the tank, taking on the seat of the gunner, Leila and the rest of the crew follow suit, once sure everybody's inside the driver turns on the , though the tank doesn't move as we were instructed not to until ordered to.

After a few minutes of waiting a voice in their radio erupts, "All tanks have been fully crewed. all tanks move to the designated starting zone."

"Copy that." Driver, move to the designated starting zone!" She hears a voice behind her say, probably Leila.

The tank's idle engine ignites, emitting an awful-ear-deafening roar,the tank begins turning, the driver turns the tank a bit too much to the right, fortunately none of the seniors notice, so we were able to get on track without problem.

Leila's Panzer III J Codenamed [Panzer III Nr.2] is one of the last one's to reach the starting zone.

The Seniors that's supposed to guide us joins up the line formation, segregation the formation between the Seniors and 1st years,this is to ensure that the 1st years will get the chance to at least try challenging the seniors. Unfortunately it was never fair to begin with, as the skill gap is too large right now.

"Good Day everyone! I will be responsible for training you starting now! the names Natsuki! our Vice Commander and Commander only gives out the orders! Anyways, let's not waste more time! Practice, Start!"

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