Ch. 1 || BoBoiBoy Fire

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The earth element smirked.

"Wake your brothers up." he requested before heading to the kitchen.


After a mouthful of pancakes, Blaze could say he enjoyed the food thoroughly. The three eldest trio were washing dishes, Ice was just napping as usual while Thorn is trying to convince Solar to play with him. Blaze decided to take a quick peek inside Solar's technology room, where his experiments are created and mostly where they could watch what the trio can do the moment they are summoned out of the watch by their master's command.

The fire element wondered what it was like being outside. Curiosity lingered every time and not even their master knew he still had more hidden elements for him to use. If Blaze went out without their user's knowledge, not only his fire element will be exposed but his master might force his powers out again for greedy purposes, which what Quake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone feared the most, knowing they are the eldest brothers responsible for their youngest brothers.

Let it be a kid or not as their master, everyone who holds their powers is all greedy, Solar once warned, already gone through trauma knowing he's the strongest element out of all of them and the most used by force by their old masters.

Snapped out of his thoughts, Blaze could hear voices, voices of their own master talking to himself, or rather, to a power sphere that held them all safely in a power watch. A white headphone with yellow and black streaks around it stood out the most, and was the one that probably where Blaze have heard the voices. Curious, the fire element picked up the device and plopped it over his head and to his ears to listen, which was silent for a while, and he took the time to sit on the ground. Blaze flinched the moment BoBoiBoy had spoken again.

"Miss canteen lady's chicken coop got destroyed again?? Isn't it the seventeenth time this happened?" their master inquired, there was fury in his tone, which the power sphere cannot decipher since he knew BoBoiBoy is usually a good boy and nothing really enrages him. To BoBoiBoy, helping out the said missus is no problem, but her chicken coop kept being destroyed over and over, often asking for BoBoiBoy's help to repair it once more, sometimes he had to send Yaya, Ying or Gopal to help out instead, but there are times the canteen lady often insisted BoBoiBoy should do the trick.

Blaze could hear a robotic sigh as a response. "Alright alright Ochobot, I'll be on my way and hell." the boy had exclaimed, rubbing a hand on his face to calm himself.

Back to the real world, we could see BoBoiBoy sitting on his bed, his brown irises stared at the flooring while Ochobot flew still in front of him.

It's unusual for BoBoiBoy to seem calm and collected ever since he acquired his second tier powers, acting like Quake. Maybe Quake's attitude rubbed off the kid or they just share the same personality, knowing his earth second tier form reappeared the moment the eldest element had witnessed his master's friends and his brothers being ruthlessly defeated by an alien inside his green robot, using Ochobot as it's energy source who showed no mercy to them even if BoBoiBoy in Quake's first tier form had begged the said alien to stop.

Quake hated to see his brothers suffer.

Especially when Thunderstorm is often overworking himself to get stronger than Solar to take over the light element's position as the strongest to burden Solar no more.

Ochobot hummed on BoBoiBoy's declaration, but before the said boy can hop on his feet, the power sphere spoke up. "There's also a few other people who needs your help. I suggest you should split into three again and help the others, I'll keep watch over you." the robotic voice recommended, while Blaze listened/eavesdropped on the conversation, already identifying the source of the voice as Ochobot.

What if ..? || A BoBoiBoy Short Tale by hi_finnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang