
After talking to that guard for about ten minutes about how you weren’t the murder of an ancient god, biting your lip not to smile, you left the square. Aether and Childe, if you remembered correctly, should be making their way to Northland bank after he saved them from the weak ass guards, so you decided to make your way over there, if anything, to hear the long explanation of the quest to tell all the adepti that Rex Lapis is dead. You’d be able to meet Xiao at the very least if you went with Aether.

Climbing up the intricately carved red steps you saw the harbinger and your little blond haired friend speaking to each other.

“Hey Aether!” You called, accompanied with a smile and a wave.

Aether’s eyes softened when he saw you, hands unclenching and face relaxing from the hard frown it was set it. Childe, you noticed, looked at you with a strange inquiry, an eyebrow raised and his smile becoming more fixed when met with an unknown.

“Comrade.” He called for Aether’s attention. “Who is this lovely person?”

“A friend of mine.” Aether answered simply. Realizing that he wasn’t going to get more out of the blond traveler, Childe quickly moved on and explained the quest, probably understanding that it would be pointless to keep anything from you, as Aether would tell you after he left, or maybe have the audacity to do it right in front of him.

“Ah.” Childe exclaimed with faux politeness. “Well, I already told you what to do to clear your name to the Qixing. Have fun with the mighty and illuminated adepti.”

Aether nodded. “Thank you.” He turned from Childe and gestured for you all to make your way down to the main streets of the city.

Feet crunching on the gravel path, Aether explained everything Childe said. “All we have to do is head to Jueyun Karst and tell all the adepti of Rex Lapis’ passing before the Qixing get to them first so I won’t be considered a suspect in any investigation.”

“Sounds like a plan. We’ll hit three of the four adepti we have to tell in Jueyun Karst alone. We better move fast though, the millelith might already be on their way.” Aether nodded once more and the both of you, followed by your respective companions by flight, began your run to the home of the adepti.

While the two of you jogged, you couldn’t help but ask. “Aether.” you said, doing your best to keep your breathing steady as you ran. Aether hummed in response. “Why did you run so quickly from the square, we could’ve just gotten questioned by the millelith and been done with this.”

You hear Aether sigh, incredibly enough. “I know it was stupid, but I got nervous. Rex Lapis, supposedly the oldest and strongest of the seven, was just killed in front of his people. What has the power to do such a thing? All I could think about was the unknown god, and what if the killer of Rex Lapis is the same as she? What if she wanted me, an outlander, one who doesn’t belong in this world, dead? All my body could think to do was run.”

You kinda felt bad for laughing at the whole thing now. You didn’t realize it had such a profound effect on him. “Hey, yes if you kept your head on straight, we might not have been in this mess, but you can’t always help the flight or fight response.” You turned your head to see his lips pursed and eyebrows drawn together. “Besides, I have a feeling this will all turn out fine.”

He scoffed. “Was that in one of your visions?”



You and Aether spent the rest of the day trying to find Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. Fighting the millelith, helping those two idiot brothers, and going through an annoying domain only to get the same response of ‘wHaT? AsSassINaTEd? iT Can’T bE?!?!?” in different fonts.

Finally, as you approached the Wangshu inn, with the sun settling over the horizon, you were finally going to meet Xiao properly. You had insisted to Aether to make a plate of almond tofu before meeting on account of you ‘hearing that Adeptus Xiao enjoys the dessert’.

You clinked the glass plate of the little wooden table on the balcony as Aether and Paimon rested against the railing, looking at the gorgeous view of the country. You couldn’t deny that while Mond felt like ‘home’, Liyue was absolutely beautiful with its warm colors and staggering mountains that painted an ancient silhouette against the sunset. Its horizons, one of the most amazing, breath-taking things to see in person. You had gotten so sucked in you didn’t notice the little woosh of air that appeared next to you.

“To the blind, everything may not be as it appears.” It was a voice calm and gruff yet you still jumped out of your skin, letting out an undignified yelp.

You, Aether, Paimon, and Ariel turned simultaneously to see the, unlike you, dignified adeptus standing in the rays of the dying sun, highlighting his soft, yet intimidating features. His back was straight with easy posture and a gleam in his eyes that expected no funny business. Despite your excitement with finally meeting him, you kept your inner fan inside that wanted to smother him with love and hugs.

“A sigil of permission?” He remarks, beginning to go into a rant about adept energy and how we mere mortals can’t stand it. He was about to leave, with a slightly harsh ‘go away’, after his rant, but you stopped him.

“Before you go,” you called to his turned back. “Can you please take the almond tofu I made with you? I worked kinda hard on it.”

He stood still for a moment, the only movement being the bobbles on his clothing swaying in the evening breeze. He turned around slowly, with what you could only assume was muted shock.

“It was you.” He murmured.

“What was me?” You raised your eyebrow.

He shook his head. “Nothing. Thank you for the gift.”


He took a bit of the tofu, his eyes lighting up only a little, but you were having a huge celebration inside your head. However, Paimon took the opportunity to tell Aether to explain everything to Xiao while he was shoveling his face.

Aether did so and you got the same shocked reaction, but Xiao you could see a hint of a special hurt that you didn’t see in the other adepti, like Rex Lapis was something more than just his god. He disappeared soon after, with one last strange look at you before poofing away in a swirl of black and green.

The four of you stood there for a moment. “Well, do you guys wanna get a couple rooms here?”

“Really [Y/n]?! We just spoke with four of Rex Lapis’ adepti to tell them that he was assassinated and all you can think about is sleep?!”

“Yes I’m thinking about sleep, bitch I am exhausted! You weren’t the one of those that had to run around the whole damn country! You got to ~hover~.” You did a strange hand movement that you hoped displayed your displeasure but only got a scoff from the fairy and a snort from Aether.”

You threw your hands in the air. “Fine! Laugh all you want, but I am going to get a room, and when I wake up next morning more prepared for whatever fucking shenanigans happen tomorrow I will be the one laughing.”

“No wait!” Aether followed after as you marched towards the front desk, trying desperately to cover up his laughing.

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