Tehiti and I enter our pod to see it the same as we left it. Unlike the other pods here, ours is more covered with cloths and the inside consists of red tones. I settle down my bag and Tehiti jumps on his bed.

"Ah. I'm going to take a nice long nap."

An familiar voice comes from outside our pod.
"May we speak with you guys?"

Tehiti sighs, knowing he won't have time to sleep and I lift the cloth to see Tsireya smiling brightly at me.

"Hello (Y/n)! I missed you so much, i'm glad you are back. We are playing a game with friends, would you and Tehiti like to join us?"

"That would be nice."

"Come follow me." Tsireya begins to walk towards a wide place in the Metkayina Clan and Tehiti and I follow behind, always receiving smiles and waves from the Na'vi who live here. What a change. Chief Tonowari must've said amazing things about us.

We keep walking until we approach a group sitting on the floor in a circle. Tehiti sits beside Tuk and I beside Kiri. To the other side of me is Tsireya, Lo'ak, Ao'nung and Rotxo. In front of me is Neteyam and beside him is Lana. Not her again.

Lana is holding onto Neteyam's hand and giving me a disgusting look. I ignore her presence and ask "what game are we playing?"

"Two truths and a lie" Tsireya replies. "You have to say three statements and we all have to guess which one is the lie."

"I'll start!" Tuk says.

"My mom made new clothes for me that I will wear to the party, i'm glad Tehiti and (Y/n) are back and I don't like banshees."

Tsireya giggles and says "Tuk the answer is obvious. You have to say things so it is hard to find the lie."

Lana let's go of Neteyam's hand and says "it's okay Reya let's answer Tuk's statements. It's obvious the lie is that (Y/n) and Tehiti are back."

"Wrong! The lie is that I don't like banshees. I love banshees" Tuk replies and sticks her tongue out to Lana.

"My turn" Ao'nung states. "I'm super handsome, i'm stronger than everyone here and my ilu is the best."

"The lie is that you're stronger than everyone fish lips." Lo'ak smirks and Ao'nung annoyingly pushes him back.

"I'm stronger than you forest boy. You swing through trees and it shows. No wonder your arms are sticks."

"Shut up Ao'nung" Lo'ak says, clearly offended and annoyed.

"Both of you shut up, this is highly childish" Kiri says beside me. I really like her, she's direct and isn't afraid to stand her ground.

"Thank you Kiri. Neteyam it's your turn" Tsireya says happily and I sit here, most interested in what he will say.

"Lo'ak's getting better at using a gun, Tuk wouldn't stop talking about Tehiti while you were gone and akala is my tulkun. (Y/n), you look gorgeous by the way."

I look down and realize i'm still wearing my ceremony skirt and top. Neteyam can't keep his eyes off me.

"I know right! (Y/n) is the prettiest right Lana?" Tuk asks Lana who angrily looks at her.

"Whatever. My turn. Netty and I kissed, Netty and I are going to mate and (Y/n) is a freak."

Everyone goes silent and I internally sigh at this girls weak attempts at making me insecure. But I try to ignore the stinging pain at the possibility that the first two might be true.

Neteyam looks at Lana and says "shut up. That's not how you speak to our guests."

"Make me Netty."

Ao'nung chuckles and Lo'ak snorts. Tsireya and I exchange a judgemental look and the others just sit their awkwardly.

The Fire Between Us  {Neteyam x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now