A new life pt.1 (Short)

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Bowser yawned as he woke up. "AY! WHY IS THIS GREEN B!TCH BESIDE-... Oh, yeah he's now my boyfriend..." Bowser then realized Luigi was still asleep. "Oops... Is he still asleep?..." Bowser wondered. "Mmmn! W-what was that!?" Luigi woke up startled. "Oopsies... I woke him up..." Bowser said under his breath. "Oh... Yeah you did that thing with me last ni-" Luigi started. "Shut up green b!tch, we don't want a koopa gaurd to walk in on us while talking about that!" Bowser informed him. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, ok." Luigi replied. "B-but, anyways, do your legs work, Luigi?" Bowser asked concerened. Luigi tried to walk, but he fell right when his tried to take his first step. "Well, that tells you the anwser." Luigi replied. Bowser sighed and pulled Luigi onto his back. "I'll carry you until we come back in here after breakfast." Bowser told him. Luigi replied, "Ok, that sounds nice!" Bowser smiled slightly and walked to the kitchen. Bowser thgen sat Luigi ontop of the kitchen table. Bowser pecked Luigi's cheek and walked to the cabinet with pots and pans. Bowser grabbed a frying pan and put on the stove to make breakfast. After thirty minutes of cooking Bowser had two glass plates with bacon and eggs on top of them. "Here you go!" Bowser exclaimed. "Ohhh yayyyy!" Luigi grabbed a plate and set it on the table in front of a chair and then he slid into the chair the plate was in front of. Bowser then sat in the chair beside Luigi and put his plate in front of him. "So, ummm..." Bowser started. "Are you comfortable living with me?" Bowser then asked him. Luigi replied bravely, "Yes! I like it here a lot and you've been mostly nice to me." Bowser was shocked at how he answered since he knows Luigi is pretty shy. "Oh, that's nice I guess..." Bowser  said, but then Luigi smiled at him. "You are very tall." Luigi told him randomly. "Where the fuck did that come from?"  Bowser thought to himself. (Sorry if I keep changing the POV types.)   Bowser looked at Luigi weirdly and then started to eat. Luigi also started eating as he realized that was weird that he randomly said that.   LATERRRR...

Bowser walked into the bedroom door with Luigi on his back. "Here, you should lay down and rest while you have the chance to." Bowser told Luigi as he sat him on the bed. "Ok, I'm tired of moving to different places and I can't w-walk anyways." Luigi said, but stuttered say walk because it reminded him of what they did. Luigi started to blush and Bowser noticed. "I know what you're thinking about and I also know why you were stuttering~" Bowser teased. "Oh, shut up, Bowser!" Luigi laughed and then rested his head on the pillow. "Goodnight!" Luigi said. Bowser kissed him on the head and replied, "Goodnight, Luigi." Bowser walked out of the room and turned out the lights and Luigi covered up and turned onto his side...

WITH BOWSER               "FUCK!" Bowser shouted at one of the Koopa guards. The Koopa went into his shell and onto the ground. Bowser clenched his fists in. "YOU FUCKING SAW THAT LAST NIGHT YOU SON OF A BITCH!!??" The Koopa came out of his shell trembling in fear and replied, "Y-yes I mean-" Bowser clutched the guards neck with his sweaty hand. The guard was gasping for air until Bowser let him go. "W-why did you let me go-" "Forget it it you stupid asshole..." Bowser then walked off. "Phew... That bitch learned his lesson." Bowser snarled. 

Sorry this was short, I just didn't have time since it's the middle of the day and I don't like to write around family members like my cousin because she lives with me and she's to young to see stuff like this. But, anyways I'll see you guys laterrr!!

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