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Hello, welcome to a new story, made completely by myself, yes. Made by myself. I've taken some help on earlier stories, but this one, I will go completely free-lance!

It's worth to mention that English is not my first language. So the story *could* turn weird at some point, if it does, feel free to comment and tell me what needs improvement. I am only trying to improve, and in order for me to do so, you guys will have to help me. Although I am not forcing you, I would greatly appreciate it. I love writing (and reading) Kung Fu Panda fanfics, so I have no problem coming up with plots and such. The only thing that could be, idk, weird..? Is my writing.

This Story takes place in-between KFP2 and 3.

Anyways, I am not going to keep plaguing you with this author note, here you go, I present: The Arrow.

Jade Palace: Morning

Tigress woke up to the sun beaming her in the face. She had to immediately close her eyes. She was NOT used to that much light illuminating her room, after a night of complete darkness.
Tigress shifted her gaze towards her door, which wasn't quite as bright. She allowed her eyes to adjust to the brightness and she rose up.

The gong was going to sound at any moment now, so she thought she better make herself ready. She walked to a nearby wall and put her right paw against it, whilst grabbing her left foot with her left paw. She yawned a little and started stretching. She eventually switched over to grabbing her right foot with her right paw, and her left paw against the wall.

She figured she was done stretching and headed for the door, awaiting the gong.


She swiftly pushed the door open and said: "Good morning master!" standing proudly by her room beside the other masters.
Shifu stood at the end of the hall, and he couldn't help but notice that one familiar panda was missing, yet again.
"PANDA!" he yelled. Rustling could be heard in his room and he eventually threw the door open saying "g- good morning master!" then yawning in the process.

Po looked at his comrades, some of which were chuckling. "what are you guys laughing at?" Po asked Monkey and Mantis.

"Nothing, we were just, admiring, your hair. Nice hairstyle, Po!" Monkey said as he couldn't help but burst out laughing, only to receive a death glare from Shifu which immediately silenced the simian.

"Wha? What's wrong with my hair?" Po asked, walking back to his room.
"Panda, you come back here." Shifu yelled. The Panda immediately came back and stood by his door, he caught sight of Tigress standing completely opposite of him. He noticed Tigress wore a slight smile. Po shrugged it off though as he started listening to what Master Shifu had to say.

"Good morning, students." he began.
"Today will be a sunny and dare I say, hot day. The dry season has reached it's peak today. You will be training a few hours shorter today so you won't turn dehydrated." he finished.
"Great, less training, more time for.." Po began but was directly after shot a death glare by Shifu. "Nevermind."

"You will be eating breakfast now, then go for training at the courtyard, I will give you a few short breaks in-between there to drink some water, then after that training session is done, you will have lunch. After lunch, we resume our training, this time at the training hall. After that, you're all free to go." Shifu finished and turned around to walk down the stairs.

"Short day it is." Po remarked and walked after the group, who were walking down to the kitchen the floor below. Po quickly let an arm out, blocking Tigress. "What's wrong with my hair?" he asked. "nothing really. Just a simple morning hairstyle, your hair points everywhere." she answered and chuckled slightly. Both of them continued down, catching up after the rest.

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