'Accepting Past Mistakes' Part 1/2🖤

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<Jeremy's POV>
It was early in the morning and I had just came home from my night shift. Usually Micheal and I would get home at the same time, but today he had stayed home since he didn't feel well. I had walked into the house and quietly pushed the door closed. I set my things down near the door before heading upstairs towards the bedroom. That's when I heard Micheal crying again. As I approached the door the crying had gotten louder, until I was standing right infront of it.

I slowly turn and open the door, revealing a very distraught Micheal. I could see that he was hugging a plush yellow bear with purple bow tie and top hat. They were saying something that I was unable to make out from how hard he was crying. I walk up to him and hug him allowing him to cry on my shoulder; while I rubbed circles on his back.
"What happened darling?" My word being interlaced with worry and concern for the other. He had sniffled and hicked before answering in a crackley voice.
"I'm sorry- I just remembered something,-" he had tried to deny the fact that his emotions were important. After he had said this he sniffled and pushed his messy brown hair out of his face.
"Darling, I need to what's bothering you so I can help!"

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