DAISY JONES AND THE SIX: where they are now?

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ROD REYES: Next morning, we're waiting on the bus.

KAREN SIRKO: I remember thinking it would be okay. We'd been through hell, but we were on the other side of it now.

ROD: I'm trying to figure out how to tell everybody Daisy's leaving. Then I see Eddie.

Eddie, with his suitcase in hand, walked out of the large hotel. His eyes were bloodshot. Looking over into the bus, waving goodbye, he looking right into Jesse and Warrens eyes. Before walking into a taxi, letting both of their smiles drop.

JESSE LYNN: In the moment I hated that man. So fucking much. But it hurt. Watching him go.

Graham then approached the bus, looking up the stairs. Looking at Karen. But, he dropped his guitar, walking away.

ROD: The irony is, the chosen ones never know they are chosen.

KAREN: I wanted to be a rock and roll star. To travel the world and play music for strangers. And that's what I did.  It's what I still do.

GRAHAM DUNNE: I moved back home, to Hazelwood. I fell in love, started a family. I got a wife and kids now, who are my whole world. And I've  got Karen to thank for that. I'd probably still be pining after her if she hadn't been, uh, brutally honest with me that night.

KAREN: I told him what he needed to hear. But I wasn't being honest with him.

EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I went and formed my own band. We weren't bad, just, you know. I'm still out there playing gigs. My life's fine. It's totally fine. To this day I miss Jesse Lynn.

WARREN ROJAS: I've been a session drummer for years now. I mean i've been on some records, you know? Classics. Married Lisa back in '82. Still can't believe she said yes. No one asks me to sign their tits anymore. It's okay. Actually, that's not true, Lisa sometimes, just to be nice.

SIMONE JACKSON: Bernie and I, we opened this club. It's ours, and we play it all. Whatever gets you up and moving. Sometimes I get up there myself. Still brings the house down.

ROD: I quit the business once and for all after that. I was heartbroken when they fell apart. More than I had been with any other band, I just, didn't think I could take another blow, you know? Get your heart broken enough times, you stop falling in love. Except, no, you don't. But that's a story for another time.

JESSE: I am probably living the best life I could. I never gave up on music, in fact, I sing now. I've got a couple records out, they're doing pretty good. I'm going on a world tour soon, actually. I have a son. He's absolutely my inspiration for everything. I've been off of drugs since '78. I miss it sometimes, but, I can't do that to him. I'm finally clean. I sadly am not married, yet. But I'm just so thankful for everything that has ever happened. I'm so thankful for this life my father gave me.

BILLY DUNNE: Teddy died in '83. He died doing what he loved. Just like he said he would.

DAISY JONES: Everything that I have, and everything that I have done. My music, my sobriety, my daughter. Is all because I left that night.

𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍 // 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now