The next class in the morning was Double Divination, which Sofiya wasn't particularly looking forward to. She did enjoy Divination, especially when she had the chance to spend it with Poppy and Beau, yet she didn't enjoy it quite enough for the class to be extended. They spent the class learning about palmistry, an exceedingly specific practice of reading fortunes through the palm of one's hand. Professor Onai did her best to pace her teaching, yet even the little amount of information she taught was a bit much for Sofiya to retain. All she could remember was the natural elements were involved, as well as some kind of life line?

Sofiya's final class before the bliss that was lunchtime was Potions – not a difficult class, but after the workload that came from Divination, she didn't feel as prepared as she usually was.

As Sofiya entered the Potions room, she was met with an already busy class. This was the consequence of a doubled class: it often cut into the time she would spend in the following class. All the students were already turning pages in their potions textbooks, and dropping various ingredients into their cauldrons, much to Sofiya's dismay.

Professor Sharp slowly approached the Ravenclaw, his brows slightly furrowed, "Sofiya, I would have never thought of you as one to be late to class."

"My apologies, Professor." Sofiya winced a bit as she nodded to the man, "I had Double Divination, before this – I thought I would make it in time."

The professor simply nodded, gesturing to her desk, "Today we are brewing a Draught of Living Death. Simply find the recipe in your textbook, and follow the instructions. I believe you're bright enough to go on without my instruction."

Sofiya nodded with a timid smile, "Of course! I shan't cause any more trouble."

Before heading toward her desk, however, Sofiya swiftly opened her book and simultaneously made her way to the ingredients shelf. As she read the ingredients from the book, she starts piling the according ingredients on her arm. Wormwood, sloth brain, a Sopophorus bean... Actually, all of this was quite difficult to carry...

Sofiya watched as some of her supplies fell from the safety of her arm and onto the ground. As she reached down to pick it all up, a thin, pale hand picked them up for her. When she looked up, she was met with Octavia's pale gaze.

"Hello again." She smiled softly as she gathered Sofiya's remaining supplies in her hands.

"Oh, Octavia! Thank you, but you needn't help me."

"I don't mind." The Slytherin smiled, "Where are you working? I shall bring your items for you."

Sofiya didn't urge on any further and simply gave in to the girl's help. She guided her back to her desk, unloading her supplies onto the wooden surface, piling them on one side of the cauldron while she placed her book down on the other. Octavia simply left with a nod, walking away and leaving Sofiya to her work.

She began following the instructions in the textbook, the few steps proving that this was quite an easy potion to brew – which is a bit troubling, really, since a Draught of Living Death can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Everything about the wizarding school was dangerous, in hindsight.

As Sofiya began to clear the ingredients from the desk, like the Wormwood and Asphodel root, she noticed a small slip of parchment that wasn't on her desk before. A small note that read:

Crush the Sopophorus bean instead of cutting it. Trust me.

At first, Sofiya assumed this was yet another note from Ominis, yet the closer she looked, the handwriting was different. It wasn't as neat as it was in Ominis' note; instead, it was a bit more jagged and quick. Every stroke of ink was written with ambitious intentions, as if in desperation. It looked familiar – familiar to the dozens of letters Sofiya had received last year. The letters that asked her at ungodly hours to explore, uncover mysteries, and find answers.

It was Sebastian's handwriting.

Before she could think about it any longer, Sofiya crumpled up the note in her hands and tossed it to the corner of her desk.

"..Are you alright, Sofiya?"

Her head snapped up at the sudden sound of her name, and as she did Sofiya met Amit's concerned gaze. She shook her head at him, instinctively consoling him.

"Yes, yes, of course, Amit. Do not worry about me!"


"...So I believe it was Sebastian, who left the note."

Sofiya looked down at her lap, fiddling with the closed box of chocolate frogs in her hands. She sat in the grass in front of Natty and Poppy, the three girls sitting quaintly under a tree's shade for their lunch period. She had finally decided to share the recent events of the past couple of days to them – they were her best friends, after all, and the only people she could discuss this all with. And if Sofiya didn't talk about her meeting with Ominis or the note any sooner, she was bound to burst.

"And those chocolates? Where did they come from?" Natty asked.

Sofiya let out a sigh, "It was on my desk at the end of the period. They're my favorite, and the only person in that classroom who would know that is him."

"Well, that's sweet of him, is it not? He's making an effort to make it up to you." Poppy chimed.

"Yes, but I don't want him to." Sofiya retorted. "It may sound cruel of me, but I truly want nothing to do with him – at least not at the moment. I'm too... Confused."

The girls fell into a tense silence for a moment. As much as she had to, Sofiya hated talking about all of this. She had to get her feelings off of her chest, yet she wishes she didn't have to speak of it at all. She only wishes that she could cut ties with Sebastian, and wouldn't have to explain herself to anyone. She wanted to forget him.

"Then will you confront him? You should tell him to stop leaving you things like this." Poppy said.

Sofiya shook her head, "I shan't give him any attention for it. I'm hoping he'll understand I'm serious about this."

Natty scoffed, "If you do not confront him, he will continue – he is a Slytherin, after all. He will not stop until he makes it up to you, Sofiya, or until you act."

Sofiya glanced at Natty, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. Natty was always honest, even painfully so. She always said what Sofiya never wanted to hear, and yet it was usually the correct opinion. If not correct, it was always rational.

The Gryffindor crossed her arms over her chest, "In all honesty, I believe you should forgive him, Sofiya. While I understand why you are so upset, neglecting the issue will leave it forever unresolved. Perhaps with forgiveness, you can both find a way to heal together."

Sofiya looked to Poppy for her thoughts, yet was met with a bashful expression. She frowned slightly, avoiding Sofiya's gaze, "I have to agree... I do understand you Sofiya, truly! But it is only the third day of term, and you're struggling to stay away from him already! He clearly wants to mend things, and I believe you do too."

The brunette looked back down at the chocolate frog. She stared at the uniquely shaped box, tracing the golden edges and admiring the royal blue color of it all. She remembers the first time she tried a chocolate frog, and declared it was the best chocolate she had ever eaten. It was just outside Honeydukes, she and Sebastian had sat on the nearby stone ledges, surrounded by all kinds of sweets – but that was her favorite of them all.

Sofiya took hold of the box, reaching it out to the girls sitting in front of her.

"One of you can take this. I won't eat it."

it only hurts this much right now ━✫ sebastian sallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora