Chapter 2

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Thunder Bay had been a place I was once eager to see. That had all changed when I began an assassin.

And now here I am.

I'm on my motorcycle going back into fucking Thunder Bay, and I can't fucking believe it. It's the one thing I never thought I'd do again.

I'm dress in my work clothes which consists of being dresses in all black leather.

And the only reason I'm wearing this is because I don't want anyone to recognize me yet, after all I have people that want to kill me all over.

I doubt anyone could recognize me even if they did see me. I haven't been in Thunder Bay in three years and I've changed. I stop at a gas station so when I use my motorcycle again I'll have a full tank.

I don't miss the horrified stares that people are giving me, it might be because I have a gun on my waist or because they do know who I am. Do I care? No.

I'm back to being the stranger I have always been here. Fucking amazing.

As I am about to leave I see an old lady walk passed me with her eye's wide and I can't help but smirk at her reaction under my helmet.

Thunder Bay is known to be safe, or at least it is when they aren't around.

**** ****** ****

Being back in Thunder Bay was a painful reminder that my life was very fucked up.

That I fucked up my life.

Once I reach the gates of my childhood home, I notice someone there, that must be one of the Crist's workers. Edward I met him once or twice, I don't really remember, I was probably high.

However, my mom did say that as soon as she told Mrs. Crist that I really was coming to Thunder Bay, she would have someone waiting for me.

I pull in closer and smirk under my helmet again, when I notice the horrified look written all over his face, I don't blame him though I don't look like someone who would go to the Moonlight house.

I turn off my bike once I reach him and take off my helmet, he looks traumatized it almost made me laugh, I bet I'll be seeing a lot more of that "Miss. Moonlight" he greets me kindly but sounds more like a question.

"Hello Edward" I say softly, "how may I help you?" My voice filled with fake innocence or kindness, I'll let him decide.

He frowns "Mrs. Crist has been waiting for you, so she sent me to go look for you. You are also very late, she wants to see you" Edward say with annoyance in his voice, I roll my eyes internally.

No, I very much doubt she cares that much "well, here I am" I wave my hand in the air pointing it towards myself "the hunting party can stop now and the world can go back to being boring like always" I say with fake Enthusiasm.

I then just leave him there and keep making my way to my childhood home. I clench my jaw it never felt good coming back into Thunder Bay, I see three years changed nothing. I look around and see the decor is still the same from when I last was here.

I head up to my room to start looking for what to wear, the party had already started about forty minutes ago, I stop at the doorstep when I see a box on my bed. A black, shiny box. I scoff, What is this now?

I look closer to see a note on top of the black box. "Victoria wear this -also your brother, Cole won't stop calling me, for my sake answer him please, Love Mom." I snort, god I need to do something about him, poor little Cole, he's probably going crazy trying to find me.

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