Chapter 1

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TravisKelce: When the milf goes clubbing during her final night in Cancun #SleepyMilf

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TravisKelce: When the milf goes clubbing during her final night in Cancun #SleepyMilf

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"I worked the usual fast food and retail jobs growing up which taught me the meaning of working hard and saving money. I always knew that I wanted to be a business owner but I didn't know what I wanted to specialise in until this building came up for let." A smile plays on my lips. "Somebody in my neighbourhood started renting the place and they transformed it into a beauty salon. Watching this blank canvas transform into this place that looked so grand put things into perspective for me so I initially wanted to become an interior designer."

The podcast host smiles at my words, "What changed?"

"The world of social media." I chuckle to myself. "I started sharing random images of myself and after a trip to London, they started to blow up. I won't say that I was getting millions of likes but I was getting over a thousand likes per post which was huge at the time."

 "How fast did it grow from then?"

"I became a local celebrity in a short amount of time so people would invite me to all the events and have me host parties. I was essentially getting paid to show my face which only made my popularity grow because I was being photographed everywhere." A sigh leaves my lips. "Photographers and brands started reaching out to me so I eventually ended up with five hundred thousand followers all in under a year. I thought that my life had changed for the better."

The host rubs their chin, "Had it?"

"At that time... I would have yes but now I realise that it pushed me to live this fast lifestyle because I was being flown out for lavish trips, shoots and parties." I pull a face as I think back to that time in my life. "My goals in life were pushed to the side because I wanted to be that girl who was getting flown out to all these exotic places for free while being paid to show my face."

That period was one of the craziest moments in my life as I was really doing it all and living what I thought was every girls dream.

"I remember coming home from a Miami trip at twenty one and seeing this building for sale. In that very moment, the young girl in me that wanted to own a business and have her own building made her presence known to me." I rub my hands together. "That is when I snapped back into reality because that fast life was not doing anything for me in terms of career growth."


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