"They are good, living in my and Harry's til they get their own place."

"By what Toby is saying that will probably be by end of July."

"Yeah they plan on getting a condo together is they split everything." I told her "how's the sports medicine going?" I ask her

"It's going good, helping people days and days to get better to play again, it's baseball season now which isn't as brutal as Hockey."

"Oh I remember all those days" I chuckle at the memory "

"I should probably let you go and get back to sleep."

"Sleep would be nice" I joked with her

"Ok Ky bird I'll talk to you later"

"Bye Mommy." We say love you and hang up I sigh

I get up from our patio heading inside the house, closing the doors behind me slowly making my way back up the stairs, I open the doors into the master bedroom quietly I see Harry is still asleep I walk quietly to my side of the bed plugging my phone back in. I slide into bed quietly pulling the covers over me turning my body facing the other wall closing my eyes slowly.

I feel the bed move and Harry's arms wrapped around my body, I smile softly feeling him kiss my neck sweetly

"Who called you?" His voice cracks feeling his curls on my neck now.

"My mom." I said as he spins my body in his arms me looking at his tired face.

"Is everything ok?" He asks in a concerned voice.

I nod my head yes "my dads side of the family being stupid, I'll tell you more later. I just want sleep." I said as he brings me down more on to his shirtless chest I snuggle into him


"They want to what?" He asks completely confused as I'm sitting in his office/ studio area watching him strum the guitar

"Put together a marriage party whatever since we got married and what not... My mom said we should just do dinner with them and let it be over with.... Since they want to plan the party." He starts shaking his head

"They shouldn't be the ones putting it together for us it should be our mothers." He said as I nod "and it just be your family and not mine?"

"Apparently so my mom didn't go that much in detail about it, but of course them wanting to plan everything they will want all the credit for the party."

"I'll do a hour or two dinner but no party, since they want to be in control I want our parents or us to plan the party, not your aunts that don't know me." He said I nod

"I agree with you."

"They will be invited when we renew our vows that can be our party!" He puts down his guitar

"I know I ask you this every time but do you really want to renew our vows?" I ask him he nods

"I want BOTH our families to be there, I know Alexa would be dying to be your maid of honor and Gemma as a bridesmaid." I nod

"Can we do it on our one year anniversary next year?" I ask him smiling alittle bit he nods with a huge smile on his face

"I wouldn't think of any better day to do that."

"We can start fully planning right after we're done touring at the end of October." I said he nods

"But then we have to start back up and do promos for the 5th album." He frowned

"It will all be good! I plan all you have to do is say yes" I smile big he nods

"Yes Baby." He smiled i stand up from my seat I go over kissing him on the cheek quickly he turns his head to kiss my lips as I giggle he pulls away then kissing my nose I scrunch it back like always

"That will never not be cute" he smiles like a idiot I shake my head


"Kylie please!!!!" Harry groans at me I sigh

I just go done doing both Toby's and Chris's hair. Now that Harry saw me do them he wants me to cut his.

"Harry" I said nicely

"Baby?" He said it in the same tone back

"Why do you want me to cut your hair so bad?!"

"Because it needs a trim!"

"You two shut up please!" Toby said as I turn glaring at him

"Bite me!"

"Just cut the poor guys hair!" Chris said to me

This is what happened with living with all boys, they all some how find a way gaining up on the only female I sigh letting my head down losing my battle

"Get in the chair.." I sigh again as he kisses my cheek

"I love you baby"he said getting in the chair

"Yeah whatever you say, you don't know how much power I have right now, I could cut all your hair off!" I said wrapping the cape around his neck, he gives a scared face I see in the mirror

"You really won't cut all my hair off will you?" He asks I shake my head no

"I couldn't never do that! Your fans will kill me and I would kill myself."

"I don't want you to do that" he said as I wet his hair down bringing the comb and scissors in my hands

"Did you just want a trim?" I ask him

"Yes please and thank you" he said as I comb his hair

"Say cheese!" I see Harry have his phone out I stop combing him having his phone towards us I give a shocked face into the camera as he sticks his tongue out.

"Are you going to put that up on Instagram?" I ask him and he smirks

"Of course" I shake my head as I begin to cut his hair.

This boy is seriously something else.

Love Me Like You Do (Harry Styles AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant