Chapter 30

101 18 4

With Nigam brothers they still didn't come out of the shock. Abhi took the diary of Swati and opened the first page

16 may 2018

Hii I'm Swati Nigam the fighter of Abhi dada and bachu of Sidhu Dada. Today I was so happy that I will be going out with both of dadas but who knew that my dear big brother will get a surgery suddenly and we have to cancel our plans. Hope so we will go out on next weekend.

25 may 2019

I'm back again. You know today is the best day for me. I am going to India I will meet Dev bhaiya too. He is the best bhaiya. We always irritate Abhi dada with him. I love going out in bike with him. You know I miss bike so much in Australia.

31st May 2019

Yeahhh its my birthday I turned 10 today and guess what Sid dada, Abhi dada, mamu, mami, Dev bhaiya, Tuni bhabi and I went to my favourite Krishna ji temple and you know I made a friend as well. Her name is Archana but I don't know why she is finding difficulty in understanding what am I speaking

25th June 2019

You know I am so sad today I am going back to Australia. Again that stupid school. I don't like Australia but I can't even stay here without my dadas. So I have to go bye bye Mumbai we will meet soon.

15th August 2019

You know Its independence day in India and my friend Archana told me that this time her group is Awarded as the best performer of Independence day Show in Maharashtra.

13th September 2019

You know what it's my brothers birthday yes they share the same birthday. You know I am angry for Sid dada. He scolded me for no reason. I was just playing in the water nothing else still he scolded me. You know we went for dinner today. I asked for ice cream but my dadas refused to give me. They said I will catch cold but who will tell them that my bhabi gave me hehe

20th December 2019

Hey I know I am writing after very long because at first I was busy with my exams and then I realised I lost my diary. Just now I found if under my bed. You know today for the first time Sid dada beated me just because I didn't score good in Maths and Science. I am upset from him. I have decided I will not talk to him until he says sorry.

31st December 2019

Its the last day of this year. This year had been so special for me as I got really a very good friend or you can say bestie Archana. And I hope that next year will be good for me. And I promise that next year I will be a good sister very good sister.

27th January 2020

I don't know from where this stupid Corona came because of it  I am not even being about meet my friends, I am not being able to spend time with Abhi dada because he is mostly in hospital and even I am restricted to eat unhealthy food or cold things. I am in house since 1 week. I want to go out

31st March 2020

You know what I am so sad today. I asked Sid Dada when we are going to India he said we are not going today. Today whole day he was scolding me he even slapped me. I know I was at fault but still he shouldn't have slapped me.

2nd April 2020

Yayyyy today I found my fav cricketer. He is Ishan Kishan he is a new comer but the way he plays the way he speaks I don't know but feel something on my stomach. He is wicket keeper batsman and today I have decided I will be a cricketer in future. I don't know how will Dada react on this. Maybe he will not support me because both of them want me to become a doctor. Let's hope for the good

29th April 2020

For the first time I am thinking that my brothers don't love me at all because none of them have time for me both of them are busy in their work. I guess I have became a burden for them.

Reading this Abhi's eyes became teary. She can never be a burden. She is their life.

27th May 2020

Today I am feeling really bored its been 5 months I am locked in thi house due to this stupid covid. I hate this. I took my cycle and went for cycle ride but after coming back Abhi dada scolded me a lot. He is way too strict over me. But Sidhu Dada he is my saviour, crime partner everything.

19th Sept 2020

Again I lost my my diary for a long time. And today I am going out for the first time after thus stupid lock down but still with so many restrictions. I hate rules but you know I have to follow them as these rules are made by my two hitler brothers.

2nd Jan 2021

I hate myself. I don't know why am I alive I am good for nothing just a burden on my brothers. I can't even score 90%. I am useless. My brothers hate me I couldn't make them proud.

31st January 2021

I think I should die because no one wants me. Everyone hates me. My own brothers are scolding me too much nowadays specially Abhi dada. I want a little freedom from all this

31st May 2021

You know today we came to our new house but something is strange here like ghost or something. But don't worry special agent Swati will solve this case too.

5th june 2021

You know today I went inside the secret haunted room and I found out that the ghost is a lady. I don't know why she was calling me her daughter. This is strange right. But then I got locked inside but a good thing happened that I got to know Avni is not a bad girl she will not take my Dada away from me.

9th July 2021

Today I am completely sure that my brothers don't love me anymore and that's why both of them are scolding me, punishing me, not spending time with me but I don't care about anything now because I have found a good friend here her name is Sona. She is the ghost but I love spending time with her.

30th November 2021

There is a man who is blackmailing me by fake photos which are edited but looks completely real. He is touching me in a bad way due to which I feel so uncomfortable. My friends are also busy so I'm not being able to share this with them

21st December 2021

Today the man forcefully made me drunk and was touching me inappropriately. After sometime when I returned back Sid bhai caught me and both of dada scolded me alot. Even Abhi dada raised his hand on me. Am I at fault.

3rd January 2022

You know today I got the biggest shock. That monster is my uncle and you know he came to our house too. I don't how Sid dada knew about this. He is supporting me.

27th Feb 2022

God do you have any personal enemity with me or did I trouble you. For what the boys are always behind me. I hate these things I wish I could change somethings. I guess Sona is not here. That's why she is not coming to me.

11th May 2022

Hii dada, I know you both are sad after knowing that I am not with you guys anymore even I am sad but you know I want a little freedom. I want to become something which will make me happy not just tired by working 9am to 8pm. You know you both are the best brothers I could ever get. One day I will surely come back but after being something. I don't how am I going to stay without both of you. I will always miss you. Bye dada Love you the most.

The End (of the diary not book)

After this last message Abhi burst out crying. He had no idea what to do. Sid hugged Abhi tightly. Both of them were so sad not only them Tunineet as well.

That's all for today

It became a quite long today

My house is Haunted  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें