chapter 14

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Both Sid and Swati were studying since 2 hours in these 2 hours Swati got more then 10 from ruler and 8 slaps. This was the first time Sid was being so strict with her. Swati is sobbing all the time

Sid: write answer of thquestion What is the mass of 5.0m³ of cement of density 3 gm/cm³ untill I come back and if u have did it wrong or it's not completed you will get lot more from me

saying this he left the room. As he left Swati went to the bathroom closed the door and started crying badly.

Swati povs while crying: I'm not ready to bare this anymore. I'll leave the house and country I will go to India here that bloody bastard is playing with my body. Here my own siblings are scolding me and beating me. I don't even is mumma my real mom or not. Tris is the only one whom I can share all my problems but since 1 month she is busy with her chachu don't even think of me my own gang Tejas Ayushman and Rish are upset with me. Idk why God gave me such messed life I hate everyone. Only one can help me now Dev bhaiya let's contact him

She washed her face with water came out and started doing solving the question. She was not doing it properly and after few minutes Sid can and saw her still doing the question. He sat in the chair and snatched her textcopy. The answer was in incorrect be took the ruler beside him

Sid: show your hand
Swati: (no response)
Sid: (coldly) I said something sweetheart show your hand

She showed her hand

Sid: *hit*

Swati: (crying) ahh dada stop it's hurting ahh


Sid:(threw the ruler and hugged her) I'm sorry but you need to understand you are growing up studies will also increase you need to learn and do it right and that question was too easy you are not concentrating in studies and from now I'm going to be so strict with you
Swati: (crying) you are so bad if I don't know then you can teach me but all you know is punishing with ruler or slaps

Sid: as you know I'm you bio and physics professor let me tell this time paper is going to be so hard and if you failed or got less than 90 no one will be worse than me. In this one month I'm not gonna show you any kind of mercy
Swati: that's wrong dada I hate you

Sid left the room and came back with an ointment and started applying it.

Sid: this is the last day of my love until the exams are over
Swati: I hate you
Sid: (kissing her forehead) I love you too come on let's go and have lunch and eat everything without any tantrums

Both went to dining area all had their lunch before only Sidati were left

Sid: everything will be in limit not more than that neither less
Swati: ok

Sid gave her a plate of salad some carrot juice. Boiled eggs. Swati hates these the most. She made a disgusting face

Sid: as I said no tantrums
Swati: but dada I hate these
Sid: *glared*

Swati gulped and took the spoon but she felt pain in her hands the spoon fell down from her hand Abhi was passing from there as he heard the sound of spoon falling down he rushed to you.

Abhi: (concerned) what happened baby
Swati: Sid dada beaten me so much my hand is hurting too much so
Abhi: (coldly) Sid is not the way you shouldn't have done that she is just a child
Sid: dada she is not a child anymore her studies are also increasing she can't even solve a easy one
Abhi: but still don't ever beat her again like or I'll beat the hell out of you
Sid: yes dada

Swati: btw Abhi dada I don't want to eat all these so can get something better
Sid: no you are going to eat these food only
Abhi: she asked me not you (to Swati) you wanna eat veg roll
Swati: yes
Sid: but dada now a days she is eating a lot of junk food
Abhi: Swati today is the last day for one week you will eat only healthy food
Swati: I promise

Abhiati went to kitchen and made 2 rolls Abhi fed one to Swati and he too ate one.

Swati: dada
Abhi: hmmm
Swati: can we go for a drive
Abhi: it's so hot outside not now
Swati: please
Abhi: (coldly) I said no means no
Swati: fine
Abhi: we can go in evening
Swati: ok

She went to her room closed the door took her phone and called Dev.

(Short intro of Dev: Dev is the one who take care of all their property in India and Swati and Dev are most close buddies ever. They support each other so much)

He received

Dev: hii muchkin how are you
Swati: I'm good what about u
Dev: me too and when are you guys coming to India
Swati: idk about others but if you ask me I'm ready and that's why I have called you
Dev: wait explain me please
Swati: actually bhaiya there is man name saransh he is using me for his physical desires and even said that if I said something to dada then he will kill them. I can't even do that. My own dadas are beating me and scolding me so much. I want to get rid of all these things and come to India and stay alone and be free bird
Dev: are you out of your mind how can you do this
Swati: please bhaiya help me I promise I'll return back to my dadas as soon as I am satisfied being there
Dev: where will you stay here

Swati: can you please take a house on rent and the bill every month. Soon I will do a part time job and I will return all your money and please don't tell anything to my dada or else they will scold me badly or I might end up with a harsh punishment. Please
Dev: but you have to promise me one thing. If you come to India you will never compromise with your studies and no need of doing any kind of part time job
Swati: one more thing I'll change name and looks too so that dada or Dev chachu can't find me ever
Dev: Dev chachu means
Swati: one of my relative

Dev: ok once you come to India we will change your name
Swati: thank you and my flight details
Dev: I'll send you soon
Swati: once again thank you so much
Dev: welcome but think once again about it can you stay with your brothers
Swati: yeah that's also a point I'll think about it again and tell you in your evening 4pm
Dev: ok

They hang out the call. Swati laid in the bed and started thinking about it

Swati: what to do you can't stay without your brothers and also if they scold me or beat me then it's for my good only and about that saransh I can't do anything about that should I say about it to my friends no no no what if he shared those pictures to any one of both dada they are going to kill me. But how will he know that I told anyone of them what or what if he kept any spy on me let's take a chance tell everything to Tejas Ayushman and Rish and also I think I should.......

That's it for the day
How was the chapter something interesting coming up soon

What should I do even I'm confused should Swati go to India or not.

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