Untitled Part 149

Start from the beginning

Everyone would remember it even after the continent's history had passed 1,000 or 10,000 years.

That story, which continued from the Laios crisis to the present time, would forever remain and remembered as the heroic story of Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung.


My body trembled just by the thought of it.

As I watched the battlefield with a serious expression, I heard a voice talk to me again.

"Lee Jihye, the troops..."

"No. I don't think it matters now. There would be no more meaning to anything else that I have to say. I did everything I could. It now boils down to whether or not they'll be able to overcome their fears. For now, leave the minimum number of personnel needed in the command. Everyone else, including the rear unit, should head straight into the battlefield to support our allies."



Even the lieutenant in front of me seemed to think that they should also help as much as possible.

He must've been heavily burdened due to the current situation.

On his face, his sense of responsibility was clearly displayed.

'It's fortunate that there are many sublime humans on our side.'

I didn't want to join that party either, but the most important thing at that point was to make the Goddess's Mirror work properly.

The fact that the undead was there meant that Jung Hayan had returned. Maybe she was heading to our location.


The Goddess's Mirror would be able to work normally.

-Cardinal Lee Kiyoung of the State is a scammer and a deceiver. Do not be shaken by his words! Stop the State's troops! Don't let yourselves be manipulated!

'He talks too much.'

It was then that the malfunctioning system returned.

"L-Lee Jihye."

"I'm also watching now."

"I don't think there's any more magic power left to keep it blocked."

'Good news.'

"Please strategically position it right away. We should capture as many of the struggling people in the Goddess's Mirror as possible. Some may not have grasped the details yet. It's not a fight that can be overcome by the Republic's troops or the State's troops alone. The undead can only be defeated if the two factions work together. Please do it immediately."


If the undead did not distinguish between the forces of the State and the forces of the Republic, the situation could have been a little easier, but in order to properly trap the Demon Summoner Jin Qing, it was more effective to set our forces as the undead legion's sole target.

It must be that she was picturing for them to move on their own accord, rather than pushing them to move around.

It was undeniable that the picture changed depending on how one directed and edited existing facts.

Of course, I knew what picture he wanted most at that moment.

I immediately put my hands on the control unit.

Soon after, the Goddess's Mirrors began to appear everywhere.

Largely positioned as propaganda in the rear camp, the main hologram showed the struggles of an ally.

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