Untitled Part 149

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Chapter 413: I'm glad. Light Kiyoung has descended (4)

-The light will be with you! I will be with you! Don't be afraid! Never be afraid! We can stand united in front of this great threat!!

-Republicans, listen to me! You must never believe the lies of the State!

-Believe what you see!

"It's a pity that we can't record this..."

It truly felt regrettable.

It was unfortunate that I wouldn't be able to replay the situation.

I never would've imagined that I would be able to see such a sight at the end of that war, after all.

I had been informed of it to an extent, but the actual sight was more than what I imagined.

"I have to keep this stuff..."

"Lee Jihye, what did you just..."

"No. it's nothing."

"Ah... Okay."

"More importantly, is the Goddess's Mirror recovery still not done?"

"Yes. Actually, there is still no progress, but it looks like we'll find a way soon. I don't know if it's due to the influence of the magic that fell before, but it seems that the magic power blocking the communication system has weakened. Maybe it'll recover naturally..."

"Please make its recovery our top priority."

"Yes. I will try my best."

"Trying isn't enough. Make it work as soon as possible. Please."


'I knew it. He really is really trash...'

The scene unfolding in front of me gave me goosebumps.

There was no scam as large-scaled as that one.

A horde of undead was exuding a terrifying sense of intimidation, even from a distance.

As they attacked our allies, they looked like an army of demons that had risen from hell to end the humans of the continent.

It was rare to find an undead legion as large as the one before us.

The forces of light continued to collide against them to stop their advance.

It was sublime to watch ally troops surrounded by falling orbs of light gathering together to block the waves of darkness.

The moment was so great that it moved even me despite already knowing that it's a hoax.

The series of situations that unfolded as if following a well-written script had a huge impact on the Republic.

Of course, it would.

With the situation becoming direr every second, it began to showcase which side's holy and which side's evil.

They're probably just not showing it, but their minds must've been falling apart already.

The reason they still couldn't move was that there was no decisive factor.

It was clear that everyone had already realized what action they had to take.

That was why the timing was very important.

Before the Republic's troops were affected by the Demon Summoner's theory of rapture, I had to remind them of their faith as much as possible.

'This is a historical scene.'

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