"Pope fuck off" i said rolling my eyes at him "JJ when do you need to leave?"

"set off in about 30 minutes"

"ok i'll go get ready" I smiled back getting up and going to my room



"are you sleeping with my sister?" John B asked very abruptly from beside me

"what? why would you ask that?"

"because last month you were ready to kill each other and now you're going on road trips together?"

"And that means i'm fucking her?"

"ew lets not use words like fucking, thats like.....no" Pope spoke up

"no JB i'm not sleeping with her. Just got to know her at work and she's not all bad, thats all"

"well is there anything going on?" Kie asked

"oh my god, what is with the fucking interrogation. Am I not allowed to be nice? Do you want me to go back to insulting her twenty four fucking seven"

"JJ no one is saying that, no need to be so defensive" Sarah said

"Jeez man chill out" Pope said at the same time

"Defensive means you're hiding something" John B said quietly but loud enough for me to hear him, but for now I chose to ignore it. I don't have time to start an argument

"yea whatever man, i'm gonna go see if Jo is nearly ready"

"bro she left like 2 minutes ago" Kie laughed

"yea well- then i'll wait inside" I said turning around and walking into the little kitchen area

"God dramatic much" I heard Sarah say from outside

Why did I get so defensive? Good question. Probably because i don't know the answer to that question myself. Sure we had that little flirty moment last night but that was all it was...right? I mean, we were both drunk and shit. And sure I like her and everything but not like that....right? Wanting to kiss someone doesn't mean you like them like that...I think. No JJ what are you thinking, this is your best friends sister. You're not allowed to like her, that has to be written in a bro code rule book somewhere. Whatever, it's not like she feels the same way, she was drunk....thats all it was.


"Huh? What?" i said looking around confused before i spotted Jo standing ready

"Dude are you deaf or something. Lets go" she said.

Damn it she looked good. How long had I been lost in thought? She came out with her hair curled, subtle makeup on, cropped top and shorts. JJ STOP THINKING LIKE THIS.

"oh um yea...sure lets go" I smiled at her "JB?"

"yea?" he called back

"I'm borrowing the twinkie" i said lifting the keys

"like hell you are" he yelled back 

"go go go" I said to Jo running out the door

"JJ, stop. Get back here" John B yelled after us

"Sorry man can't hear you" I said jumping in the drivers seat. Right as Jo jumped in I locked the doors

"JJ not funny man, I need it for work" He said trying to open the door as i sped off causing Jo and I to burst into a fit of laughter

The Summer is ours// JJ Maybankحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن