Darkstorm's final scheme/3 months later/the Underminer

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*We see the family are riding back home in a limo with Mr X*

Mr X: We've frozen all of Darkstorm's assets, If he even sneezes, we'll be there with a hankerchief and a pair of handcuffs, The people of this country are indebted to you.

Coregirl: Does this mean we can come out of hiding?

Mr X: Let the politicians figure that one out, But I've been asked to assure you we'll take care of everything else, You did good, Marcy

*Anne's trying to hear the messages on the phone from Carolwhile Sprig & Polly are rolling the window up and down*

Carol: *on phone recording* Hi, this is Carol. I have a question about Liliana...

Frogwoman: *to Sprig & Polly* Come on, Really you two? We're in a limo!

Coregirl: Hey Maggie, you're wearing your hair back?

Maggie: *stammering* Yeah, I just...yeah.

Coregirl: It looks good

Maggie: Thanks, Mom

Sprig: That was so cool when you threw that car!

Coregirl: Not as cool as you running on water!

Polly: Hey, mom! That was sweet when you snagged that bad guy with your tongue and kinda whiplashed him into the other guy, It was so sweet!

Especially when Sprig ran on water! 

Frogwoman: Honey, uh, yeah, I'm trying to listen to messages, honey.

Carol: Mrs Boonchuy, it's me Liliana is fine, but weird things are happening *Anne cuts to a different message* Liliana's still fine, but I'm getting really weird-ed out! AH! When are you coming back?

Polly: ...aced those guys that tried to kill us! That was the best vacation ever! I love our family

Sprig: that really wasn't a vacation at all, felt like it but not really 

*Anne cuts to a different message, Liliana started crying on phone recording*

Carol: I'm not fine, Mrs Boonchuy! Ah! Put that down! Stop it! You need to call me! I need help, Boonchuy!

Frogwoman: Marcy! listen to this.

Carol: I'm gonna call the police or someone...! *cuts to a different message* Hi, this is Kari Sorry for freaking out, but your baby has special needs

Coregirl: "Special needs"?

Mr X: *in the background*  Here we are

Carol: Anyway, thanks for sending a replacement sitter

Frogwoman: Replacement? I didn't call for a replacement!

*The Family run out the limo and into the house, When they got inside, Darkstorm was there holding Liliana and he freezes the family*

Darkstorm: Shhhhh......The baby is sleeping

*he chuckles wickedly* You took away my future, I'm simply returning the favor Oh, don't worry, I'll be a good mentor

Supportive, encouraging. Everything that you weren't. And in time, who knows, he might make a good sidekick. Ha ha!

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