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Y/n's POV

The whole holidays all I wanted was to go ice skating, and finally during the last few days I got to go.

"Y/n, why do you even want to go ice skating so much, you don't even skate?" Kokomi asked.

"I don't know? I just enjoy it a lot!" I smiled as we moved up the line, nearing the entrance.

"I can already tell that the only one who can at least move on the ice without the wall is Y/n," Ayaka laughed.

"Well, it's just basic stuff, plus Ayaka will probably pick it up in like a second!" I joked.

As we grabbed our skates from the booth, I heard an enormous amount of yelling from a few metres away. 

"Y/NNN!! AYAKAAA! KOKOMI!!!! HU TAO!!!" Venti yelled.

"Dammit Venti calm your farm." I said as I lugged Ayaka and kokomi towards the group, while Hu Tao raced ahead.

"Look what we have here!" Kazuha laughed.

"Well to me it looks like a bunch of Inazuma kids who can't skate, so lets get on that ice!" I shouted. (rip venti and Hu Tao #notincluded #emo)


As our time at the rink was almost coming to an end, a boy who looked almost like a professional or something, gracefully skated onto the rink. Now I say almost as in the rink wasn't busy, but we hadn't been called off yet. I continued to skate around the rink before bumping to the guy.

"Omgg sorry my bad!" I chuckled nervously with a small smile.

"Watch it amateur!" he said harshly before skating away.

"Well thats my queue to leave I guess.." I whispered to myself before skating off the rink.

As my friends and I walked towards the shops to go eat somewhere I explained what happened before we left.

"Daymnnn!! Did he reallyy??" Venti said, extremely intrigued.

"What an asshole!" I said as I continued to stuff my face with sushi, as I forgot about the conversation.

".. is that it?? Are you just gonna call him an asshole and leave it at that?!!" Heizou exclaimed.

"YEA!" Kokomi chimed in. "What if it's like one of those uhh uhh what are they called Ayaka?"

"wattpad moments?" Ayaka replies.

"YES YES THAT!!!" Kokomi shouts.


"He was cute though, I'll give him that!" I smiled.

"Are we promoting a possibly toxic ship?" Kazuha inquired.

"But but they look so romantic in the bookssss!!!" Kokomi whined.

Buzz buzzz!!

"Awh shitt!" I whined as the buzz from my phone reminded me of an important date.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝚱𝐘 𝚩𝚨𝐒𝐓𝚨𝐑𝐃 || 𝐒𝐂𝚨𝐑𝚨𝚳𝐎𝐔𝐂𝚮𝐄Where stories live. Discover now