00. the arrival

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Seven Devils
chapter 00 / the arrival
see, i've come to burn your kingdom down

Seven Devils chapter 00 / the arrival see, i've come to burn your kingdom down

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298 AC, Driftmark

VALAENA STOOD ON THE CLIFFS OF DRIFTMARK — watching the sunset. Her coiled hair was messy and windswept. Her uncle, Lord Maron Velaryon had just informed her that his wife had gone into labour, most likely to be birthing a son. This meant her future as Heir of Driftmark and its throne had entered turbulent waters.

Valaena turned away from the setting sun and started making her way back towards High Tide. Her uncle always sought to get rid of her but with her being the only viable heir, he needed to wait until he produced a son before he could marry her off to some lord.

Valaena entered the castle, passing by the Hall of Nine, the driftwood Great Hall, and then entering her room where she began to prepare for the feast that would be held tonight — if by the end of the night, her cousin was born with a cock then Valaena knew the last of her freedom would be snatched away from her.

After fixing and braiding her hair into thick locks and dressing in a simple gown, Valaena looked at the far-right wall of her chambers. Hanging on the wall was a portrait of her mother and father — Lord Corlyn Velaryon and Princess Naesa Targaryen. They had both died during the Rebellion, Naesa for siding with her brother, Aerys, and her nephew, Rhaegar and Corlyn for siding with his beloved wife.

After they died — Maron became Lord of Driftmark, this was because he had betrayed his brother so that he could become Lord. Of course, this is not propagated knowledge but Valaena always knew the truth — Maron's hatred for her only further proved her theory right.

Valaena turned away from the painting and made her way to her chamber door. However, before she could reach a bright light engulfed her.

Unknown Time, Unknown Location

When Valaena awoke, she was no longer on Driftmark. She could tell — the air had lost the distinct and consistent smell of salt. She soon realised that she was unceremoniously sprawled out on the ground. It was dark but she could make out that the room had many lounges and chairs. She could also make out that she was not alone. Around the room stood many people — all unrecognisable by Valaena and all in the same state as her.

"Are you well?" someone had said behind her.

When Valaena turned, she found that the voice belonged to a beautiful dark-skinned woman with curly white hair. She was older — probably around twenty and six. She was vaguely familiar, almost as if she was a relative.

Valaena stared for a moment, confused by the events that had taken place. Only what felt like minutes ago she was leaving her chamber rooms and now she was in a foreign room surrounded by foreign people.

"Yes, I am," Valaena said as she stood from the ground and looked at the woman before her — looking closer she could see the Velaryon house colours in her dress and the house crest embroidered on skirts.

"Why are you wearing the Velaryon colours and crest" Valaena stated, a wall went up around her as she took a step back from the kind woman.

"Pardon me," the woman said — shocked that I would question why she wore what she wore.

"Why are you wearing my house colours and crest" Valaena's expression hardened.

By this point, their conversation had brought an audience — a man, valyrian in appearance, came and stood next to the woman. Along with this, two girls (a few years younger than herself) came and stood near the woman. The man almost looks shocked by the appearance of the unnamed woman.

"Laena," the man said simply — an unknown emotion present on his face.

"Daemon" Laena said as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mother" the two girls shouted as they ran into Laena's arms.

Valaena stood back, shock present on her face as realisation dawned.

"Laena Velaryon and Daemon Targaryen," Val said, still recovering from her shock.

The couple looks over at Val confused by her sudden change of emotion. All the while confirming their identities.

"How are you alive" Val uttered quietly

However, before anyone could respond, a loud booming voice began to speak.

"Everything you are experiencing will be confusing but it is necessary. Regardless, you are safe and no harm can come to anyone in the room. You will be watching your own lives or the lives of those that come long after your time. You must watch what happens so you can stop the worst of what occurs from happening. Please be seated and introduce yourselves and then we may begin"

Valaena and everyone else stood quiet for a few moments before they followed the instructions and sat down on the lounges placed around the room.

"Viserys Targaryen"

"Alicent Hightower"

"Rhaenyra Targaryen"

"Aemond Targaryen"

"Aegon Targaryen"

"Daemon Targaryen"

"Laena Velaryon"

"Corlys Velaryon"

"Rhaenys Targaryen"

"Helaena Targaryen"

"Jacaerys Verlaryon"

"Lucerys Velaryon"

"Rhaena Targaryen"

"Baela Targaryen"

Once those from the past had introduced themselves — those from Valaena's time began.

"Catelyn Tully"

"Robb Stark"

"Sansa Stark"

"Arya Stark"

"Bran Stark"

"Jon Snow"

"Cersei Lannister"

"Jaime Lannister"

"Tyrion Lannister"

"Myrcella Baratheon"

"Oberyn Martell"

"Jorah Mormont"



"Samwell Tarly"

"Daenerys Targaryen"

"Viserys Targaryen"

"Valaena Velaryon"

After everyone had introduced themselves — the screen before them turned on.

The screen lights up as words appear.

© arisgrace92

— hey guys! that's the prologue, hope you enjoyed it.

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