01. winter is coming

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Seven Devils
chapter 01 / winter is coming
see, i've come to burn your kingdom down

The Wall

The scene opens showing three rangers from the Night's Watch riding through a tunnel, leaving Castle Black, and going into the woods.

It shows one of the rangers, named Will, separating from the group and continuing through the forest but he soon comes to a halt when he sees smoke in the distance. He quietly dismounts and begins crawling through the snow when he sees a shocking sight.

Ygritte and Tormund watch the scene, already having a suspicion of what has happened.

The screen shows the bodies of fallen dead. Eight corpses lie frozen on the ground — men, women and, children wearing heavy furs. Many of the bodies have been dismembered. Frightened, the ranger scrambles up and turns to run back to his brothers but he comes across a little wilding girl impaled on a wooden spear against a tree. He rushes back to his horse before riding away from the scene in a hurry.

Many in the room gasp in horror at the scene. Helaena covers her ears; turning away from the screen.

The scene then cuts to show the horrifying scene of the body parts which appear to be arranged in a particular way to resemble a shield-like pattern.

Everyone is left shocked by the brutal scene.

Catelyn attempts to cover Bran and Arya's eyes but the damage has been done.

Both Arya and Bran look on shocked at the scene, terror present on Bran's face but his eyes flicker with a coldness. Arya, on the other hand, finds the scene almost intriguing.

"You are savages" Cersei states viciously as she stares at the two free folk present. Alicent nods her head agreeing with her statement.

Tormund ignore the Southerners but Ygritte just smirks "Pretty princess, you haven't seen savage"

The scene cuts back to the three rangers talking as they stand near their horses.

Waymar: What do you expect? They're savages. One lot steals a goat from another lot, and before you know they're ripping each other to pieces.

Many in the room agreed with his statement, only a select few silently disagreeing.

"Putting up a wall and trapping us with dead men is savage," Tormund protested.

"While you play kings and queens, and judge us on how we survive what you put us through" Ygritte continues.

Some in the room are left stunned by their outcry while those are left impressed.

"Dead men?" Samwell mumbled.

Will: I've never seen wildings do a thing like this. I had never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life.

Waymar: How close did you get?

Will: Close as any man would.

Gared: We should head back to the Wall.

Waymar: Do the dead frighten you?

The free folk thought they were stupid for not fearing them.

Gared: Our orders were to track the Wildings. We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more.

Waymar: You don't think he'll ask us how they died? Get back on your horse.

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