Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

So you may be wondering, what is this nice medieval village somewhere in the countryside of England? This is Aylesbury, where I've been living my whole life. Let me introduce myself, my name is Andrew James Hernadez Taylor, Andy for short. Well, originally Le Bon Taylor but my parents divorced when I was young, shortly after my brother, Nick's birth because my real dad, the one who impregnated my dad (he's intersex and has both male and female sex organs) is a pervert. Anyways, I'm 13-years-old and suffering from stage 4 cancer since I was 11. It went into my lungs when I was 12 and my body stopped responding to chemotherapy, now I'm practically very weak and I get sick easily. I can recall that scary moment, my lungs filled up with fluid that day and I had to be on a ventilator and in the hospital for a week.

Well, considering the fact this town seems medieval, we have modern technology too. I'm now on supplemental oxygen because my lungs are very weak. I'm on an oxygen concentrator but only at home; it has been my friend since I was 12. I have oxygen tanks too for whenever I go out but the thing is, my dad wouldn't let me go out because of my weak immune system. I can't even play with my brother anymore because if I catch the flu or cold from him, I'll immediately get pneumonia. This isn't fun, but that's my life. No friends, isolated because I'm suffering from the most life-threatening disease. I'm all alone. "Andy, ready to do your treatments today?" That is the voice of my dad, the one who gave birth to me, John. He's very overprotective and the reason why I can't go out.

"Yeah," I yelled out. I stood up from my desk chair and sat on my bed. I don't have my own room, I have to stay in my dads' bedroom so that my dad, John, could easily look after me. This is where I rest, play video games or get my treatments. It wasn't chemotherapy, my body's too stubborn for it now but back when it was responsive, it wiped out my immune system. It was Phalanxifor, a drug developed here in Aylesbury by my uncle Paul and the hospital here. Because there's no tablet form, it has to be in IV form. My dad, John, went into my room and connected the IV to my port. He also proceeded to check my blood oxygen levels, still fairly low. "You must be doing well with your treatments," my dad said. I just remained silent, I don't know how to word out my thoughts to him.

Sure I'm sick and I can't breathe without a nasal cannula, or a breathing tube through my nose but I want to be a normal kid. I'm not going to last long but I want to live life to the fullest, I can't just be isolated for so long. "Dada, may I ask you something?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat. "What is it, my child?" John asked. "Can I go outside and play with Nick and his friends?" I asked. "Andy, you're too sick to play outside and you might get sick whenever they sneeze or cough on you, you have to stay here," John said, ruffling my hair. And you may be thinking, I lost my hair during the cancer treatments. Well, I did but ever since I'm off chemotherapy, my hair grew back to its former glory. I have very long bangs that cover my forehead but I swiped it to my left and I hope they cover my puffy steroid cheeks.

My hair is not as thick as it once was but at least I still have it. I couldn't ever bring myself to rebel, I'm a bit tired so I laid down on my bed and fell asleep. John affectionately swiped my long bangs to the side while I was resting. That's when I heard a knock on the door, John opened it. "Hi John." That must be one of our gay neighbours, uncle George. I mean, the majority of Aylesbury is gay because same sex marriage is legal so that would explain it. "Oh hi George," John said. "How's Andy doing?" George asked. "He's sick right now, he's receiving treatments right now. He gets sick very easily now because of the past chemotherapy treatments," John said. "Oh I see, can I see him?" George asked. "Of course," John said. I opened my eyes and took a glimpse of uncle George.

He looks awfully handsome like my dad, but unlike my dad, he's Greek and has blonde hair and hazel eyes. My dad on the other hand has brown eyes and brown hair, both very tall. Unlike me, I'm very short and skinny, like so skinny I look very malnourished. I might need a feeding tube soon if nobody wants me to die of malnutrition before the cancer kills me. "Hi uncle George," I greeted groggily. "Hi Andy, how are you?" George asked, brushing my hair out of my way with his fingers. What's with everyone with my hair? "I feel awful, I really wanna go out," I said. I just recieved a sigh from uncle George. "I'm sorry kid, but your dad keeps you here for a reason," George said. "He's very weak now, poor boy," John said. George just nodded. I couldn't do anything anymore, I want to live like a normal kid, not a hospice patient.

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