Chapter 1

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Danny's week had started pretty well, as good as it could get when you have to constantly defend your hometown from the souls of the dead and/or deadly creatures from another dimension. He got a solid six hours of sleep for the first few nights instead of the usual three or four that he gets. His homework was done on time for once, and his chores were all finished. It had seemed his luck had finally decided to do him some favors.

Which is why he wasn't surprised when it finally bit him in the butt.

"What do you mean you don't have my birth certificate?" Danny asked, annoyed. He was doing a project for one of his classes that required looking into their pasts, discovering their roots, yadda yadda...he wasn't paying too much attention.

"Sorry bucko, you didn't have one when they found ya." His dad said offhandedly, returning to the machine he was working on. "But I can tell you plenty of stories! Why I have plenty myself that should be perfect for your project! Like the time a ghost stole my sandwich! Or the time a ghost-"

He wasn't paying attention to the stories, something that Jack had said made Danny pause a bit. "When they found me? What do you mean?"

This time it was his mom who spoke up. "Oh, you know, about how they found you in that storage house dear, but they never could find who left you there. Oh Jack, don't cross those wires. Can you pass that piece to me? I need to fuse something here to make sure it stays in place."

"....what?" Danny responded, but they didn't hear him. They were no longer paying attention as they continued to discuss their latest project that was more likely to shoot something at him by next week.

Seeing that he had already lost them to their work, he stumbled up the stairs and to the kitchen where he knew Jazz was tutoring some kid from her grade (Thankfully not Dash).

"Jazz?" He tried to say, though it came out quiet and pathetic.

Thankfully she heard him as she looked up from her book.

"Danny? Is there something you need? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

"Am....they said.....was I adopted?" He said.

She looked at him in confusion, then realization, and finally frustration overtook her face. "Sorry Beth, can we reschedule, I need to talk to my brother."

The girl, sensing the tense atmosphere, quickly nodded and practically bolted out the door after haphazardly grabbing her books. Great, now the whole school will know by the end of the day. Jazz turned to Danny, frustration clear on her face.

"So I take it they didn't talk to you about it like they said they did?" She grumbled.

Danny stood there shocked. " it's true? And you knew? And no one told me?"

"They said they talked to you about it. I should have known that they didn't explain anything. Heck, they probably just forgot and mixed things up again. I was wondering why you never brought it up." She said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Do you want me to talk to them? Or do you just want me to tell you? I kinda wanted them to tell you since they are the parents, but since they haven't done that very well I guess I can try to explain it. They would know the story better though. I wasn't old enough to remember it clearly."

Danny nodded his head, his frustration threatening to take hold. "Just tell me already."

Jazz sighed. "Fine, Mom and Dad said that they were exploring some 'ecto-inflated weather sightings'. Really I think it was just some lightning and thunderstorm, but they were convinced that a ghost had something to do with it. It was on the way back when they decided to stop at some motel. While there they heard some people talking about how someone found a baby in a storage unit that had been hit pretty bad by the storm. I don't know the whole story, but the way they told it seems like they thought some evil ghost was after you and caused the storm to try and kill you or something. So when no one claimed you they took it as a sign they were meant to protect you from said evil ghost and took you in."

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