chapter two: developing feelings

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From that moment on, you and Bigweld became inseparable. You spent hours working together, bouncing ideas off each other and pushing the boundaries of what was possible. You admired his passion and his dedication to making a real difference in the world.

As your relationship grew, you realized that your admiration for Bigweld had turned into something more. You found yourself falling for him, drawn to his intelligence, his kindness, and his infectious energy.

One day, as you and Bigweld stood overlooking the city from the top of his factory, you finally mustered the courage to tell him how you felt. To your surprise, he turned to you with a smile.

"I had a feeling," he said. "I've been feeling the same way about you."

              ~♡Authors note♡~
My second part! I can't wait to post more. I know my fics are a little short, but I promise I'll be writing longer chapters in the future!

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