chapter one: introductions

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As a young and ambitious robot, you had always been inspired by Bigweld's incredible success and innovation. You dreamed of one day meeting him and showing him your own ideas for the future of the robotic world.

One day, you received an invitation to attend a prestigious robotics conference, where Bigweld himself would be speaking. You couldn't believe your luck, and you eagerly prepared for the event.

As you entered the conference room, you spotted Bigweld at the front of the room, surrounded by other robots eager to hear his insights. You nervously approached him, hoping to catch his attention.

To your surprise, Bigweld turned to you with a smile. "Hello there! I don't believe we've met," he said warmly.

You introduced yourself and explained your own ideas for the future of the robotic industry. Bigweld listened intently, nodding and asking thoughtful questions. You were impressed by his intelligence and his willingness to engage with you on such a personal level.

After the conference, Bigweld invited you to join him for a tour of his company's facilities. As you walked through the bustling factory, Bigweld explained his vision for a world where robots of all shapes and sizes could thrive.

As the tour came to an end, Bigweld turned to you with a spark in his eye. "You know, I think you have some truly groundbreaking ideas. I'd love to work with you to make them a reality."

               ~☆Authors note☆~
I know this chapter is really short, I promise the next part will be posted soon!

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