Trent Gets Schooled

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Davenport!" Bree says, walking over to him.

"Wow! You look awful." Mr. Davenport says. "What, did you lose a bet?"

"No, Adam did this," Bree says.

"Why would you let Adam cut your hair?" Mr. Davenport asks. "That's on you, girly."

"It was an accident. But you can fix this, right?" Adam says. "I mean, you've gotta have some kind of fancy Davenport hair growth solution."

"Why would I have that?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"I don't know, because you wear that crazy wig," Adam says.

"This is my real hair." Mr. Davenport says.

"Oh, that's even sadder," Adam says. He walks away.

"Well, how am I supposed to take a yearbook photo tomorrow with half of my hair missing?" Bree asks Mr. Davenport.

"Well, it can't be any worse than last year." Mr. Davenport says. He makes zombie noises. Bree gives him a look. "I'm kidding. Don't worry, I'm sure I can modify some over-the-counter hair growth serum to regrow your hair overnight. I'm kind of busy, but I can probably go later..."

"Do it now!" Bree says in a manly voice using her vocal manipulation as she grabs Mr. Davenport by his shirt. She walks away. Adam walks up to Mr. Davenport eating a piece of toast.

"So come on...wig, right?" Mr. Davenport rolls his eyes and leaves the lab.

Upstairs in the living room, Chase, Leo, Kyle, and I were sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. "That's Trent!" Chase giggles, running over to the door.

"You know, when you laugh like that I can see how Trent picks on you," Kyle says.

"Yeah, and as much as I want to get even with him, isn't this just gonna blow up in our faces when he fails the test?" Leo asks.

"Or maybe he'll never want our help again. Just like you always do a bad job with the dishes so you don't have to do 'em anymore." Chase says.

"Yeah, and I'm always the one getting stuck doing them," I say, crossing my arms.

"Hey, that's only because of my sensitive skin. These dandy hands don't dance in dishwater." Leo says. I just rolled my eyes. The doorbell rings again and I open the door.

"All right, let's make this quick. I got a full schedule tonight." Trent says, walking in.

"Of what, terrorizing kids and destroying private property?" I ask.

"Yeah," Trent says.

"Okay, Trent, since you asked us to help you study for your test, we decided to let you in on a little secret as to how we study and get good grades," Chase says as Trent opens the fridge and pours himself a bowl of cereal.

"Is your secret having no friends and being bad at sports?" Trent asks.

Chase laughs sarcastically and mutters under his breath. "This guy...Look, all you have to do is wear these special glasses for the next few hours. These will implant facts into your brain."

"I don't need the facts, I need the answers," Trent says.

"Those are in there, too," Kyle says.

Chase hands Trent the glasses and he puts them on. "Here's everything you need to know about physics." Trent hears Chase's voice say in the glasses.

"Kinetic energy is the study of energy in Connecticut." Leo's voice says in the glasses.

"Duh. Who doesn't know that?" Trent says.

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