the apocalypse pt 3

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"Diego" I jump down from the ledge and hug him tight. "it's ok y/n, I got you" Diego injects me with a huge dose of propofol. passing out in "Diego's" arms, I realize it's not him. it was only an illusion. it's the handler. she throws me into the back of a car and drives us to a secret "basement" i awake, tied to a chair and duct tape over my mouth. muffled screams coming from my mouth, my head pounding, and even worse, the handler is standing Infront of me. "it's ok darling. I'm not going to kill you" she rips the tape off my mouth. "tell me where he is you filthy child" I nod my head no, staying silent. I flinch as she pulls out a gun. "tell me where he is, or I pull the trigger" she is caught off guard by my laugh. "you think that'll scare me? I was just about to jump of a fucking building!" herb takes the gun from her and puts it on a nearby coffee table. they slowly walk out of the room. "kill me! just.... fucking... kill me...." not another sight of life for five months. I'm left in the basement, starving, slowly dying.

fives pov.
i toss my keys in the air and catch them. "hey, where are you going?" Diego stops me. "y/n has been gone for five months, Diego. I'm going to the movies with my girlfriend. I'm finding y/n!" as I start the car, I get a text. it reads,

wow five, I really thought you'd come looking for your precious little y/n by now. if you really must know, she is safely starving to death in a place that  you'll never find. you may act as though you hate her, but I know your soon going to go on a long, long search for her. disclaimer, she'll be gone by the time you get here.


I read every letter of that text over and over, looking for a clue. I'll just have to search the good old way. with no clues and no communication.

3rd person pov.

five starts his car and starts the search for y/n. "goddammit!" not even an hour through he experiences a problem. "damn it damn it damn it!!" he gets out and kicks the car. "you stupid piece of shit!!" the car is broken down and he has no choice but to go on foot. days and weeks pass by, he's still looking for her. hallucinations have started since he has no supply of food or water, and no way to get it. "shut your goddamn ugly ass up. you've been talking this whole trip" five yells at one of his hallucinations. a couple of two guys stop five. "are you ok young man?" five sighs. "I may look young but my mind is way beyond my years" they look at each other in confusion. "if I may ask, how old are you...?" shaking, five runs twords a forest. "58!" the two young men are scared for him, clearly. "y/n!" five hugs a tree. "i love you and I'm sorry for ignoring you!" five kisses the tree, hallucinating it as y/n. five comes to his senses and heads back to finding y/n.

soon it has been three weeks. time goes by fast when your looking for someone. five stumbles across the handlers house. "I'll try anything" five mumbles to his self as he rushes into her house and runs down to the basement.

y/n pov

"y/n!" five exclaims as he starts untying me. "wait..." he stops untying. "y/n, your..." five looks at my stomach.


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"pregnant. yea" five continues untying me. "we'll talk about this when your free and we're safe" we get outside and start walking. "where's the car?" I ask, looking around. "it broke down somewhere around a week ago" five is avoiding eye contact with me.
"how, far along-"
"I'm five months" five looks at me. "but... you've been missing for... five months" I grab my stomach. "it's yours, five. I'm sure. you were my first. and, last" five raises his voice. "I don't want a child! I'm thirteen!" tears start rolling down my face. "you think I want a child now?! no. but it's not it's fault you wanted to fuck your own sister!!" i yell back, my voice cracking."your a bitch. you know that y/n?!" after that we didn't speak one word. not to each other, at least. we're almost home when we have to stop for our last night outside. five slept against a tree as I slept on the plain ground. at around 3 am I had a sharp pain in my back and stomach. it hurt so bad I could barely breath. i manage to walk over to five, than collapse onto the ground. "five! five wake up!" i yell in pain. five jolts up. "what? what's wrong?" i just held my stomach and curled into a ball. "oh shit shit shit..." five picks me up and runs to a road. "help! someone!" he yells as he's running along the road. a car sees him and stops. "what's wrong young man?" five runs up to there window. "my- my girlfriend- she- shes-" they see my stomach and let us in the car. "where do you guys live?" five is panicking more than me. "we- we live- um... umbrella- umbrella academy" she starts driving us to home. "how old are each of you?" i scream in pain. "i- I'm th- thirteen" I grab fives hand. "shit! ow ow ow ow.... I'm, I'm thirteen also" we arrive at home and the girls husband carries me inside and sets me on the couch. "i got her from here" five starts calling everyone. "are you, like, having the baby, or...."
"i dont fucking know! i just know it hurts like a bitch!" Diego answers. "hello-"
"come home now I think y/n is having a baby!" five let's me squeeze his hand. "goddammit five! you've already knocked her up?"
"I'll tell you later! just fucking get here!" two minutes later Diego bursts through the door holding drunk Klaus. "oh shit!" he throws Klaus and comes over to me and five. "can you scream I little quieter?" Klaus groans. "I've never had a baby before!" Diego and five are running around like chickens with there heads cut off. i scream again. "wait wait wait! i kinda know how to do this" five runs back to me. "Diego, get a pillow for her to lay on" five pulls down my jeans. "oh shit. your bleeding" Diego comes back and faints. "yea no fucking shit!" five leans over and grabs the pillow and puts it under my head. "i don't know what to do...!" i whimper in pain and move around. "theres gonna be a- shit... there's gonna be a baby-" five looks at me in horror. "a whole fucking baby is gonna come out of.... that?!" i whimper again. "yes goddammit! just help me!" i scream and push. five grabs is head. sweaty and tears rolling down my face, I try to push again. "shit. five, i- I can't do it" five tries pulling it out, but obviously fails. "listen to me, y/n. you have to do it. think of having your own child and being happy. think of holding it for the first time" screaming, I push one more time. "good job baby" five smiles at me and hands her to me. "she's beautiful" I say, crying. five snuggles up next to me. "our very own daughter. she's just as beautiful as you" I smile back at five. "she has your eyes" five carefully grabs her from me. "what's her name?" i look at five holding her. he already looks like a great dad. "how about, elliana?" i ask. five stares into her eyes. "how about Ella?" i stare at her. "it's beautiful" the rest of the umbrella academy walk in. everyone walks twords us. luther gasps. "y/n, your half naked" Allison elbows him. "she's beautiful. is she his?" vanya asks. "yea. do you wanna hold her?" vanya nods as she picks her up. "hey vanya-" vanya stops me. "it's, viktor" I gasp. "oh. shit. sorry. i didn't know. congrats" Viktor hands back Ella. "i should be congratulating you. you just had a baby" me and five laugh. "babe, I'm kinda tired" five picks us up. "I'm gonna take them to our room" everyone tells "bye" as we are carried to our room.

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