(Aidan Gallagher) an ocean big mistake

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"hey babe, pack your stuff were going to the beach" Aidan puts on sunglasses. "give me five minutes" I run upstairs into our room to get changed.

My swimsuit

His swim trunks

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His swim trunks

Aidan starts the car

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Aidan starts the car. "Sunscreen!" I scream in panic. "I already got it sweetheart" he chuckles. He puts in the car in drive. "Towels!" I start searching through the bags. "Babe, You packed those..." Aidan looks at me with a concerned look in his face. "Hey, if you don't wanna go, we can just watch a movie or something" he puts his hand on my thigh. "No. It's fine"

Aidan's pov.
I don't think she's ok. She's bouncing her leg. The whole time where driving my hand is on her thigh. I just wanna make sure she's REALLY ok. I put the car in park and we just sit in the car for a second. "Babe. We can go back-" she pushes my hand away. "No. I already said I'm fine. Let's go"

My pov.
"Baby, can you help me set up the umbrella?" Aidan rushes over to me. "Yea sure" while he's setting it up I'm standing back. I sit back on the towel while Aiden runs into the ocean. "Come on! It's not cold!" I set down my book. "No, I'm fine" he waves his hands. "What?! I can't hear you!" I laugh at his joke. "fine. Only because you look cute right now" i lay my book face down on the towel and slowly walk twords the water. A small wave touches my toes.

"Daddy! Come see! I can swim!"
"I'm coming"
I bob under but dont come back up.
"Y/n!" My mom and dad run up to me.

Aidan walks up to me. "Come on. It's fun!" He grabs my hand. "No Aidan! I- I'm sorry. I'm coming" we get so deep the water is up to our chests. "Babe! Just relax!" He dives to the bottom and brings up a rock. "Here. A beautiful... Rock" he hands it to me. "Thanks. I love it" we float in the water for a minute. "I'll go put in on the towel fore you" je does a hand gesture for me to give him the rock. "Ok... Be back soon..." I slowly hand him the rock. "I'll be back!" He swings to shore. I'm trying to relax but it's impossible. I lift up my feet and a wave pushes me back further. I cant reach the ground anymore so I panic. My head goes under. Water fills my lungs. I pass out. Aidan comes back. "Y/n? Y/n?!" His foot grazes against my unconscious body. "Y/n!" He picks me up. "Help! Someone" he swims us to shore. Everyone gathers around me as he gives me cpr. "Come on!" Everyone whispers. "Call 911!" Aidan's the one one crying, or even worried. I choke up water. "Y/n!" He hugs me. "I thought you were dead!" He sighs. "I never should've brought you here! It's all my fault! Are you ok?" I feel a stinging pain on the back of my leg. I try to speak but I just mumble. "What?" Aidan sits back. I point at my leg. "I don't know what you saying..." I agressively point to my leg again. He looks on the bottom of my leg. My vision blurry, I hear Aidan's voice faded. "Shit! What the fuck is this!? Y/n? Y/n!" I faint and my head hits a rock. Turns out i had a jellyfish sting. Aidan's panicking and someone calls an ambulance. My breathing speeds up than stops completely. "No!" An EMT starts helping me. Aidan is sitting back in the corner. "No no no no! Shit! This is all my fault! My girlfriend is dying and it's my fault! Fuck!" We soon arive at the hospital and I get hooked up to a million machines. Aidan never leaves my side till I wake up. I'm still drowsy from the medications. "Baby! Your ok!" I sit up with alot of Aidan's help. "What happened?" All my words are slurred together. "alot of bullshit that's all my fault"

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