Chapter 47- When The Past Resurfaces

Start from the beginning

"Incoming!!" I cry, bracing myself for impact.

The seals crash into the ship's wooden haul with ease, ripping a massive hole into the wooden surface.

"Hole in the boat!!" Lance shrieks. "There is a hole in the boat!!"

"We're taking on water!!" Eugene exclaims from the wheel of the ship.

Dad begins shouting from the ship's mast. "Somebody untie me!!"

"Max, help my dad!" Rapunzel orders.

Max nods his head and quickly does as he's told. The ship rumbles a bit as the chilly seawater begins to hungrily consume it. I feel Varian tightly grip me, preparing for the worst. I hug him back, trying to console my boyfriend in any way I can. "If somebody has a plan, now would be a great time to hear it!"

Before anyone can respond, the ship begins to tilt to its side. "It's about to flip!!" Varian warns. "Everyone to the edge of the ship!"

We all run to the edge of the ship, and right as it falls to its side, we all jump onto the side of the boat to stay above the water. With the ship sinking deeper and deeper into the sea, King Trevor's seals quickly learn that they can now hop onto our small wooden island. They begin attacking us and we desperately fight to fend them off. As I pull out my bow, I don't have time to load it before one of the seals pounces on me.

"(Yn)!" Rapunzel yells in horror. She quickly throws her golden hair my way, wraps it around the seal, and flings it off of me.

"Thanks, Raps." I quickly say, rising to my feet.

Rapunzel nods. "No prob-" Before she can finish her sentence, one of the seals throws itself at her, knocking her to the ground.

Suddenly, the seals make a swift exit, and all swim back toward King Trevor's barge. We all breathe a collective sigh of relief. "Anyone wanna guess why they're leaving while they are winning?" Eugene asks, a slight disarray in his tone.

Lance sighs. "Knowing our luck, probably something bad."

"If they're all leaving, then that must mean ...oh no," I mutter with realization setting in.

Varian nervously glances at me. "'Oh no' what?"

"Oh no, t-t-that." My shaky hand points straight ahead. I swallow the lump in my throat as a massive magenta-colored sea serpent rises from the depths of the water. It's ear-piercing screech echos throughout the air and it sends a cold glare our way. The serpent must be at least five times our size, and it looks like it could kill every one of us with a single blow.

"Grab whatever you can to fend it off!" Rapunzel instructs.

Everyone scatters to find some sort of weapon, while I begin loading my wooden bow and shooting arrows at the beast with perfect precision. I gasp in horror when I realize that the arrows weren't inflicting any damage and were simply bouncing right off of the serpent's scaly chest. The arrows are only provoking its rage. Lance quickly comes up behind me, dragging an anchor with him. "Hang on (Yn), I got this." He says with determination. He throws the anchor at the sea monster, but instead of hitting it like Lance planned, gravity takes hold and the anchor crashes through our already sinking boat.

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