#1 Luz will get stabbed

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Luz might get stabbed, either by The Collector, or by Belos

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Luz might get stabbed, either by The Collector, or by Belos.

Reason 1: The Shadow Shot

In "Thanks To Them", there is the shadow shot. To the left, Hunter is shown with Belos's horns. It foreshadowed his possession at the end of the episode, leading to the death of Flapjack. To the right, is Luz. Could it be foreshadowing as well?

Reason 2: October 15th

In the very first episode of the show, during the scene where Luz shows off her Spider-Breathing Griffon, there is a poster in the background. The poster is for Romeo and Juliet tryouts. The date on the poster was for October 15th.

At the end of the Shakespeare play, Romeo believed Juliet to be dead, as everyone else in the city of Verona. He bought some poison, went down to her tomb, and drank it. When she awoke, she found him dead, to which she took his dagger, and stabbed herself. That was showcased in the episode as well, and also revisited in season 3's first episode, "Thanks to Them", where the shadow shot was shown.

October 15th just so happens to to be the day in 2022 that "Thanks to Them" aired.

Reason 3: Dana and Happy Endings

This reason doesn't really a lot of evidence, but I've heard from somewhere once that Dana Terrence, the creator of the show, hates happy endings. But I am not sure how valid this is.

Counter Claim For Reason 1

The shadow shot could have easily just been for Hunter only. They visited the foreshadowing for it within the same episode, and catches your eye the most, because of the circumstances to why they were even in that basement in the first place. Luz was indeed holding a baseball bat while progressing up the stairs, which could also easily be the reason the shadow was cast like this.

Counter Claim For Reason 2

The date October 15th could have another meaning. Maybe it has some significance in Dana's life. I'm not really sure.

Counter Claim For Reason 3

I may not have the facts right, so I wouldn't call this a reliable source.

My Watching and Dreaming Theories (4/1/23)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें